Thursday, June 1, 2017

So Then I Killed Apple iCloud ... But It Came Back for Blood

The casualties are acceptable since iCloud must be banished from my computers for the infernal incompetence of its management, particularly with regard to its login password which constantly needs validation thus demonstrating the attention span of a tsetse fly.

The cost

Most of the contents of Apple MAIL are gone.

My CALENDAR hasn't kept anything but birthdays but it won't let me update since it doesn't consider me the administration.

Note:  that only tells me to get Unix with it and destroy that calendar so I can make another.

Looks any poems / lyrics I wrote with PAGES have poofed as well.

Some things are gone from iTunes as well but it probably doesn't matter much since it gets so scattered each time I upgrade OS X, I got fed-up with keeping track of things much that way except the latest thing I've written.

Update:  scratch that as those poofed too.  Odd since that wasn't supposed to sync to iCloud and wasn't marked that way in iCloud Preferences.

In other words, iCloud is so buggered it's worth any cost to be rid of it.

The behavior is about the same as Facebook since it never gives anything back either.

It's worth it since it took years to get this fed-up with iCloud and now the damn thing is dead.  Ha.

Yevette's machine shares data with me but never via iCloud.  It's copied over the local net and that needs no interference from some Apple demigod.  For anything requiring more distant transport, the contents go to a thumb drive.

There's never any real security while you're connected to a Cloud and really not at all without going to cash and disconnecting from the grid.

The ones who do the searching only use the tools they know and you have seen how they get helpless when you don't carry a mobile.  If you don't use a cash card then you can't be tracked that way either.

The Rockhouse has no evil purpose and it's not the state's business where I am.

Watson:  do you call the loss collateral damage?

No since that's a Pentagon euphemism for dead civilians.  I only lost some data.

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