Thursday, June 1, 2017

Racing the #Science Against the #Poetry

Both things I take quite seriously
but others rarely will
and I saw yesterday the Ant Lion King
ate all the science he could kill

I thought, hmm, these are Marvel maniacs;
my poetry cannot lose
so I give poems from the Colonel
to see who blows a fuse

It's really not a race 
when the science has no chance
and, sure enough, the poet wins
when three of them can dance

They're at the top of the What's Hot list
and they seem to rule the day
but that list is just the mainstream
and you'll do better when you come to play

- Colonel Abuthnot Jones

Ref:  Ithaka:  The Ant Lions Are Increasing their Numbers Early

Or you can read Ithaka:  A Novel Approach to Treatment of Chronic Pain #Science
but you probably won't
The Poet already knows that pain
and that's why many write

I'm more reluctant to play the buddy buddy aspect of things as late since I have no idea who you are.  That may reappear but it feels kind of thin just now.

However ...

Science Daily:  Outnumbered and on others' turf, misfits sometimes thrive

That has a novel appointment 
for a stranger in this land
when sometimes that confers
some benefits out of hand.

I do always feel outnumbered, 
often like the only one left
but that varies with concordance
negating any feeling of theft

Being foreign may make us stronger
since the local bugs don't know us
our immune systems are a little different
so they attack the ones they know

- The Colonel

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