Monday, May 1, 2017

Dermo Magic with Self-Removing Scars in the Midwest

Midwest is the Ithaka keyword for cancer.  Bail out now if you can't hack it because dis shit gets deep.

Three weeks or so post-surg and I submit that scar has just about vacated already.  Almost all that angry redness from the itching is gone and that scar is evaporating before my regretful eyes.

The three surface stitches were removed today but those were relatively minor except for all that itching since there are many more beneath the surface and that's the difference in suture technique between a dermo doctor and an orthopod doctor.  The latter is a bone fixer and after they've got the bones together as much as possible, they're not too big on the cosmetics of their sutures.

I've still got scars from twenty-five years ago from all the othopod surgery but the scars from the dermo surgery barely even last twenty-five days.

It's been one mighty long day.  It started early for Yevette since various extra procedures were necessary but those don't indicate a problem and the observation today is 'Yevette is getting the monster out.'  The word from the therapists is they're focusing the radiation directly on the tumor and their express purpose is to kill it; kill the monster.

There is no evidence of metastasization and that's the worst word you ever want to hear.  That word is not in-play so I'll leave it right there but, in English, it means there's only the one tumor / monster.  That monster is a bitch but it does not appear to have spread.

The situation is still mixed since there are tremendous problems with nausea and pain but she is now down to four more days of radiation.  There are more post-treatment checks to be done after Monday but the chemo has stopped and the radiation will stop on Friday.

After that time everything focuses on getting better and it does now as well but it's tough to discern when it causes her so much misery in parallel.

As an example of Yevette's solid brass balls, for the first time last evening she wasn't sure if she could hack it.  However, that was gone when I was awakening her this morning.  I wake her the first time to let her know the time is here and the bath is filling for her.  She knew I would back in ten or fifteen minutes to tell her the bath is ready and there wasn't a peep about don't do it.

The second awakening didn't work the first time but she wasn't resisting; she just couldn't do it but after some time she headed almost straight for the tub.

Her appt was at 9:30 and we were late but that happens frequently.  They understand why due to this stage of the treatment.  My appt was at 2:30 and I was figuring that would be no problem since I would have time to get her back here and then deal with the dermo doctor by myself.

That didn't work and we were late for him too (larfs).  That wasn't a problem and I had been telling Yevette as we got closer to the time don't worry about it.  The stitches will come out when I get there and it doesn't matter when that happens.

Fortunately, the temperature had gone up to 85F while we were at The Center and it was relatively cold when we went over there, colder than Munich today, in fact.  Yevette has had terrible trouble trying to get warm so that 85F was just fine with her.  That made it better for needing her to go over to the dermo doctor with me since she opted to stay in the car rather than get cold again since doctor's offices are always cold.

I had to make one more run after that since there were various items Yevette needed immediately but all of that is complete now and the Silas is gassed.

Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home

"The Banana Boat Song" - most famously done by Harry Belafonte and original author of the song is probably not known

Note:  there hasn't been an update on The Hunt with the Super Soaker for the Interloper Cat since the one I got is an imitation and it's, well, a piece of crap.  The pump doesn't build up any pressure for your super soaker drama but rather it squirts water with each pump ... yah, completely worthless.  It's just another squirt gun with a bit more range.  Pfft.


Anonymous said...

a regular spray bottle with vinegar and water will do the trick! Just make sure your aim is goos so that you deter the intended cat.

Unknown said...

I've grown kind of partial to the Super Soaker and the Homegirls have kind of got it I'm not a worry to them but the Interlopers run as soon as they see me. Ha! (larfs)