Sunday, January 3, 2016

Who Cares What 'They' Did

Yevette was talking of the depredations of various right-wing extremists and my response isn't to address what they do because the wild fear in them is easy to blame on Fox News when they do so much to foster it but that's a superficial response.

We have failed to provide the inspiration to them that we can make good things and deliver them.  Kennedy said let's go to the Moon and practically everyone, even around the world, was filled with enthusiasm and excitement for it.

Whether it's Kennedy going to the Moon or Eisenhower building the Interstate system, when America has a wholesome objective, Americans will get behind it in a big, big way.

America wants to do something for which the people can feel a justifiable pride.  Creating the national park system is another one.  People come from all over the world to enjoy some of the most extraordinary places one can see anywhere.  There's a righteous pride in preserving beautiful things and even more in sharing them.

There was a meme floating about which proclaimed two days into 2016 and not a single mass shooting yet.  So dry and so cynical but that sort of thing only inflames the fears of the gunners and makes it worse because now they have to defend themselves against mass killings.

That meme doesn't say anything about the number of babies which were born to happy parents who are delighted to receive that rebellious teenager of the future.

There was nothing about how many people started the New Year by adopting a puppy from a rescue shelter.

(Ed:  how bleeding heart will you get with this?)

As much as necessary because, bleeding heart or no, it's real and you know it's real.  It's only seconds after midnight before the first baby is born and there was one case of twins in which one was born just before midnight and the twin was born just after.  It seems confusing but it will work fine for them because for the rest of their lives they will have two-day birthday parties.

When there is a noble objective, Americans will support it and there is a secondary fault in people feeling fear and buying guns but the primary is we are not doing enough to ameliorate the fear by providing inspiration for the positive things we can do.

America can build a high-speed rail system and it would employ one huge number of people to construct it.  Maybe some will say it's not affordable but ask how many aircraft carriers his team wants to build at the same time.

Who knows what objective will really sing to people but the thing we know for sure is we're not doing much of a job of creating one.  Bernie Sanders is speaking strongly about bringing honesty and civility to the government and that has the potential for creating the environment in which such objectives can arise.

If you focus much less on the things the worst of us are doing and look more toward what the best of us could be doing ... then let's get on with it.  Whether it's going to Mars or building trains really doesn't even matter that much.  It only needs to be a noble and pure objective so people can get behind it, even if it takes ten years to do it.  We have seen Americans will do this but right now such an objective does not exist.

That's not the failing of right-wing extremists as they're only the symptom of it.  We need to provide the objective and not some fatuous rubbish of making America great again.  Making America great has almost nothing to do with building aircraft carriers, it has a lot to do with an objective which is a clear benefit to everyone.

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