Sunday, January 3, 2016

"The Sanctuary Song" - Completed a Dry Run

There were some things I wanted to do better from Take 3 so that meant do a dry run to discover if they really are better.

The vocal is stronger again after changing mixer balance a bit and improves each time.  More confidence comes with each try so that needs some practice, practice, practice time tomorrow.

The Duo Trumpet voice has been fired.  A trumpet has an incredibly quick attack and it gets in your face right now.  With two of them, it comes even stronger.  That's not the right voice because our hero is driving up the road and the green bubbles are coming up at him and ...

(Ed:  what are the green bubbles?)

No idea but green bubbles never, ever did anything good for anyone so our hero is seriously thinking he's the next one to disappear in the end of the world in Fort Worth.

The voice coming to him through that can't be a strong attack from a trumpet but rather it needs to be more distant.  After trying maybe twenty or so, an angel voice got a turn and that might even work.  That distant voice resolves to the monk on the porch and then the transition inside.

There will be another dry run, hopefully tonight, to play with that voice or keep looking until I'm sure this is the one.

It may be necessary to shoot the monk on the porch scene again to make it run longer.  I've got it at about a sixty percent slo-mo right now to stretch it but probably much more than that will make the monk look ridiculous because the slo-mo will be too obvious.  When it's obvious, I'll have to find some artistic meaning for it.

(Ed:  is there any artistic meaning to it?)

Nope.  Sometimes a monk waving on a porch is just a monk on a porch.

(Ed:  he's not the symbol of capitalist repression of religion in an age of unbridled greed and unrepentant sinners?)

Nah, he's just a monk on a porch and he really looks jolly.

(Ed:  why is that?)

He's hammered.

If I've got to shoot it again then it will have to be much cooler than the last time because it's a huge hassle getting the stuff out there so it's got to be worth it for more than simply making the scene longer.  In the previous clip, the monk is wearing a monkish robe with lights hanging off it and he must be hammered because he's wearing his monkish RayBans.

Next move is to ask Yevette what she's got for props because there's a load of stuff from bellydancing.  The outfits won't exactly help much but there's other stuff.  I don't think she ever got bellydancer wings but those would be incredibly cool if she has them.

Just noticed ... got some Mardi Gras beads so those would suit our monkey monk.  Well ... we shall see.

Today's Po' House Meal Tip:  (this will become germane in a minute)

Zatarain's has a Jambalaya rice mix so I used that and chopped a cooked sausage to chuck into it.  Fifty minutes later, dinner.  The result was served up with some baby green peas on the side and that made a surprisingly tasty dish for probably at most a couple of bucks for each of us.

The reason that's germane is apparently I did a bit too well with it because Vampire Woman got sleepy and just crashed so that's going to limit noisemaking a wee bit.

Taking the time to work the song up like this is delicious.  There's part of me which does not want to finish it because it's grand screwing around with it.  There has to be some discipline to it because it's not permitted to fail to deliver it but still it's all quite delicious.

(Ed:  what if no-one listens to it?)

Then I'm presenting it to the wrong people.

(Ed:  is there any way to find the 'right people?')

Nope, that part is just dumb luck that people will bump into it.  The other option is to spam the living hell out of it and hope one percent of people seeing the spam are interested.  That sucks in multiple ways.  Even if it works, it sucks.

The reason for writing anything is I don't want the impression I'm being lethargic, defeatist, etc.  The days of the kid doing a gig at the end of the movie and coming away from it with a recording contract are long, long past.  I've been doing this a long, long time and I know many things which don't work.

I'll just keep working on it and we'll see what happens when I release the video.  I'm open to suggestions about putting "The Sanctuary Song" on the podcast because my thinking is don't do it if you ever hope to sell the "Ride the Dragon" CD (next one to come).

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