Thursday, January 7, 2016

The News is a Margarine Sandwich with Mayonnaise

This started with the idea of the news being boring like a preacher's tent revival but the whiteness of that sandwich goes as well.  There was a time when I didn't feel I needed sunglasses to take in the news.

The Guardian struck me today as the tent revival and the temptation is to scream out, "Is there any journo here who is not fucking preaching about something?"


The whiteness of the news is all the more white because it pretends so hard it's not.  It's the whitest of the whitey white even when it isn't because it still comes out Ivory Soap, 99 4/100ths pure.  Yep, pure as a bar of lye soap.

Note:  the pun really wasn't intended but I decided to go with it

Today's Grand Philosophical Notion from the Physics of Color

(drum roll)

White reflects all colors and that's logically the same as repulsing them whereas black absorbs all colors and joins with them.

(Ed:  oh, God.  That's so Shirley Temple!)

Yah, keep laughin' an' go ahead on to buy a black car.  Park that big black car out in the sun and it will absorb every li'l sunbeam to the point you will quickly become a pan-fried steak if you get inside it.


Today's Grand Philosophical Notion is almost complete crap.  Never listen to me about grand philosophical notions.  The logic works for car colors in the sun, tho.

There's nothing much in the news as Charlie Hebdo is back and this time has gone from bad taste to simply bad.  God is on the cover of the rag and he's splattered with blood and has an AK-47 strapped to his back.  Well, that's helpful, isn't it.  God caused the attack on Paris.

Heya, Charlie.  Fuck you.

Recently in the news, Caitlyn Jenner revealed she didn't undergo the full transgender procedure and that unloads a 55-gallon drum of WTF.  The only other person I knew to do what Jenner is doing was Vine Street Betty, a transvestite prostitute who worked the streets in Cincinnati.  There's a whole world of WTF in that story ... but I don't need to know a word of it because, sure as hell, it will come with more preaching about some damn thing.

The Obama Executive Order was well done and closing loopholes doesn't take away anyone's guns so the order should stand until some jagoff comes along to reverse it.  Reversal doesn't seem likely when it's reported the majority of people support consistent background checks on gun purchases.  So that was some real news amid the squalor of journalistic mediocrity.

There was a headline Nancy Grace is pissed off about something.  So here's a tip, Jimmy Olson: Nancy Grace is always pissed off about something.  She hasn't been laid since 1985.

Not much reporting on the news because there just ain't that much in it.

More mayonnaise, please.


Anonymous said...

Your color analysis is only partial correct. Most young physic student remember that if you blend the primary color frequencies on the same area blue red yellow light becomes a white light center
To get black is the absence of all light emitting frequencies
The paint fades from the heat not the light a car in a dark room heated to the same temperature as one left in the sun will fade also

Unknown said...

Whoops, I got this completely backwards. Nice job!