Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Silas Will Kill Art in his Own Way

Silas Scarborough has been killing art for forty-five years and he's not going to stop unless someone shows up with a silver bullet.

There will be another trip to see Doctor Sam but this is a one-off to show up, get the stitches pulled and then immediately back into the wind.

The plan is to record tonight because all the plates will hit the stage if I don't and that's an expensive trip for a Chinese juggler.

(Ed:  they don't juggle anymore, they only make Android phones)

Right you are, TransPacific Man.  No plates.

the sixtyone looks like a good host for uploading "The Sanctuary Song" because it offers an option to download a song for a dollar.  Putting it onto the podcast is an immediate loser because it undermines the CD and makes zero money doing it.  However, the sixtyone gives me the best of both options.  Even if you have no money, you can still hear it and if you have a dollar then maybe you will download it.  So, that's the plan.

(Ed:  what if people hate it?)

They have no taste (larfs).

More songs will be uploaded to the sixtyone when that fits into the program and I guess I will leave "Wild Thang" out there because that was part of it even if it doesn't interest me too much doing that now.

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