Sunday, January 3, 2016

No Chance I Will Trust a Gunner With My Life

If you have ever been attacked by a tuna fish sandwich then maybe it makes sense to take an AK-47 to Subway but I sure as hell won't go in there while anyone is armed like that.  If someone carrying a weapon enters the store when I'm already there then I will leave.  No way in hell am I going to get dead because some asshole is afraid of tuna fish sandwiches.

I'm in Texas now and these gun-toting lunatics are all over the place.


Anonymous said...

That card will carry a lot of weight if it is left in full grocery carts. Partially eaten dinners at an establishment
etc businesses only react to lost revenue

Unknown said...

Unknown if it's a Photoshop gimmick someone cooked but it seems credible. The trouble with walking out if AK-47 Boy comes into the place is trying to leave may provoke him. That shopping cart idea is good because I suspect any type of direct confrontation could be an extremely bad idea.

Anonymous said...

I dont talk to them I just leave
If enough businesses lose money from customers leaving in the middle of a transaction They will post a no exposed guns allowed
I receive a $40 cash coupon from Kohl after spending some $400 there On my way to the car I was stopped by HPD and accused of theft. After 20 minutes og verifying everything was paid They let me go no apology
A week later I wrnt back to the store and gave the coupon to the first customer in line to cash out And loudly retold my story and why I wss giving the coupon away
make a difference probably not but felt good

Unknown said...

I'm seeing a lot of attitude like that as in keep your gun if you like but don't bring it around me