Monday, January 11, 2016

Electing Clinton Worse than Electing a Republican

Hillary Clinton's history of underestimating opponents has been evident in her failure to take Bernie Sanders seriously and she's changing that to start attacking him.  Her pitch is she's the only electable candidate and that's patently rubbish or elections would not be necessary.

The most destructive aspect in election of Hillary Clinton is further committing the Democrat Party to the DINOs who espouse the principles of the party but demonstrate relatively few of them.  We saw that with Bill Clinton and NAFTA plus Glass-Steagall and we have seen it eight again with more years of foreign policy disaster which followed exactly the eight years of foreign policy disaster under George Bush and did it exactly the same way.

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton made a good sure of presenting themselves as populists but you see the tens of millions both of them have made from their time in Washington and you see who they really represent.  Bill Clinton's policies, particularly with NAFTA, did enormous damage to the American workforce which is still being felt today.  Hillary Clinton has waffled over support for the TransPacific Partnership which is another corporate handout of no benefit to the workers.

As we have seen with their history, going to Washington is exactly the same for the Clintons as winning the lottery.  Both of them are unbelievably wealthy and that aspect isn't the problem but how they got it is a huge problem.

Electing another DINO will further discredit the Democratic Party by making it indistinguishable from the Republicans except it doesn't openly grovel to evangelicals in telling them Creationism is real and the Second Coming of Christ will happen during a Republican administration, surely that of Ted Cruz.

Things we have observed from eight DINO years:

No change in foreign policy disasters from Bush years to Obama years

No significant change in tax rate on the rich

No significant change in banking regulation

No change in campaign finance

No reduction in military spending

There are some excellent things which came out of the Obama years but all of the above were sops to the GOP and are categorically unacceptable to Democrats.  To continue this trend of further marginalizing the platform of the Democratic Party is something Clinton has already stated multiple times she will do, particularly with regard to the burning failure in the Middle East.

America needs a Democrat with a spine and Hillary Clinton specifically does not qualify.  The last thing the Democratic Party needs is another shill who kowtows to the banks and the insurance companies.


Anonymous said...

Sanders is electable but we cant afford him.
Maybe he could be president with a split congress to keep his spending in check

Anonymous said...

I dont see a GOP candidate that I would get behind but

Unknown said...

Same here. Show me an Eisenhower and I'll be seriously thinking about it but there are no Eisenhowers in this class.

Unknown said...

If he can really make it happen in a heads up war with the insurance companies, I am so much there and the savings to the country would be astronomical. The same applies to out-of-control military spending. Improvements in either one will give significant budget relief. From what I've seen, Trump is the spendthrift and he will be blowing money like a cheerleader on a credit card.

Anonymous said...

Sanders wants to give free college to everyone
Lottery funded scholarships show that not everyone should go to college. Some should dig ditches Some go to tech schools and learn a trade in high school
And some go to college.
And med school should quit the quota system so getting into med school is not like hitting the lottery And med students should not have the same loan protection as normal college students many doctors die with that debt and never pay it because if the asset protection they use to transfer the estate

Unknown said...

It's college availability for everyone, that that everyone is mandated to take it. I suspect enrollment wouldn't even change that much but they wouldn't come out of it financially-destroyed wage slaves. The general plan is to tax Wall Street speculation of fast-turnover stock buys and use those funds to pay for the college plan. Unknown if that really works but I know for sure the current plan does not.