Monday, December 14, 2015

CNN Tries to Make Puns with Donald Trump 'Towering'

CNN sucks for news ... and, predictably, they also suck with puns.  Today they have a divine revelation of how Trump has towered over the GOP and the others are cowering.  Puns and poetry in the same headline.  I know you ask ... how DO they do it.  (CNN:  How Donald Trump took the Republican Party by storm)

Donald Trump knows the first rule of a second-rate player:  hook up in a third-rate league and look like a star.  When Trump runs against such yokels as Huckabee, Fiorina, Cruz, et al, he has skipped past third-rate and gone right to the bottom.

It's not that Trump is so good as obviously he is not given his pandering to racists, etc but rather the problem for the GOP is the others are so bad.  There is even talk in the GOP of resurrecting losers of the past and they want to bring back Millard Fillmore from their last loser election to see if they can give him a fresh coat of wax.  That might work if they kept Goldwater in a jar like Lenin on Red Square ... but the GOP never thinks that far ahead.

Mostly there's little to no commentary on the news because there's nothing in it.  The only consistent thing about the news is there's almost nothing in it.

News of the Middle East?

Hasn't changed in fifteen years (shrug).

There's no point in a list of all the things which suck about news because you know them already.  Mostly the only thing I see in the news is the relentless promotion of the point we're all a bunch of pussies with chicken livers.

I'm so afraid, so afraid ...

(Ed:  of what?)

I don't know ... but I'm afraid of it ... whatever it is.

No point in flogging it.  You're as tired of those whimpering, simpering guttersnipes on the TV news as we at the Rockhouse.

And that's all the more reason to continue the campaign in "The End of the World in Fort Worth" and yesterday was a solid shot at it.  For most of it, I'm reasonably happy with how it goes but bringing the vocal up to where it needs to be isn't so easy.  This is part of a determined effort to sing it and not because I have any aspirations toward singing but rather the song needs it and the Mystery Lady ain't here.

There will probably be another normal light trial of playing it today and there will be heavy attention on getting the settings right for anything related to the vocal (e.g. cut back reverb, etc).

So ... on with the show ... as to news ... well, not so much.

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