Saturday, December 12, 2015

"A Beautiful Mind" is Precarious Viewing

Likely it satisfies the definition of crazy to be determined to make the latest song even though it's highly improbably anyone will listen to it.

Cadillac Man was asking of some way to commercialize the song and I know it can be released as a single for a relatively small amount of money via CD Baby.  The problem isn't publishing it but rather advertising it.

If that comes, my inclination would be to add it to the "Ride the Dragon" CD I never released and pony up the sixty bucks all at once.  It's a much better value than releasing singles any old time.

That doesn't solve the problem with advertising but there's a bundle deal for about $49 to get 'x' number of airplays somewhere or other along with various other promotional ideas.  No idea if that would really accomplish anything but CD Baby is run by good people.

For me, this isn't delusion, everything else is.

It really doesn't matter if the song gets released.  It needs to be recorded soon, hopefully even tonight.

I can say it's not a delusion all I like but it doesn't mean anything when it's not recorded.  That's not for validation with anyone else but rather in seeing for myself something I have been watching really exists.

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed,
the lips acquire stains.
The stains become a warning.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

- Mentat saying in "Dune" (although not in the actual books)

It's by will alone John Nash set himself free (mostly).


Anonymous said...

Nash was never free

Unknown said...

Maybe you never are when you're drawn to make stuff. I doubt there's any sterner taskmaster than your own creativity.