Friday, October 23, 2015

Doctors Without Borders - More Heroism Than Most Could Ever Manage

The Doctors Without Borders or Medicin Sans Frontieres are some of the bravest people on the planet because they go to immensely dangerous places, unarmed, and try to help whomever they find, regardless of political divisions or any other arbitrary reason for refusing treatment.

The American bombing of the MSF hospital in Kunduz has met with hardly a scrap of apology after one of the most incompetent missions the military has flown in that country.  Twenty-four people were killed but the American reaction has largely been of 'well, at least we did not kill any doctors that time.'

Well, congratulations on that, huh.

Yet a cop shoots a kid and people will pour money onto that itchy trigger finger motherfucker.  Heya, copper.  Your job was to stop the bad guy.  Why is it you always empty the entire magazine into the bad guy when stopping him specifically does not require killing him.  Answer:  trigger happy cops have no idea when they're outmatched and panic when they get themselves into situations they can't handle.  In one case, the cop shooter got a million dollars or so for shooting an unarmed man.

If you really want America to have a good reputation, don't you think it would be a good idea to start working on one and let your actions be dictated by morality rather than some poll to discover what people in Iowa thought.  People in Iowa don't think.  That's why they're in Iowa.

Johnny Carson is the only one you ever knew from Iowa.  Why do you know him ... because he left.

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