Thursday, October 22, 2015

Chemistry of Life Science for Stoners

We revel in stonerdom here at the Rockhouse because we're geeks and we really get off on geeky things.

What do you know ... here's one now ...

C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

That single line makes the juice which makes us go.  In English, that reads one sugar plus six oxygen yields six carbon dioxides plus six waters plus energy.  That energy is yer life, Stoner Boy.  You wanna know where the Great God Mescalito sends the juice ... this is it.

The ganja uses photosynthesis and that goes the other way around.

6CO2 + 6H2O + light --> C6H12O6 + 6O2

In English, this one reads six carbon dioxides plus six waters plus light yields sugar and oxygen.

We're not going to get any more chemical than that because, wtf, we're stoned too and we really don't need anything beyond that since we have gobs of stoner magic already.

Going backwards to the top, in the second equation, the magic adds water, carbon dioxide, and light to make the sugar and the oxygen which keeps us alive.  We don't need to analyze the chemistry of it except to see it's that one simple statement which defines it ... the output is sugar and oxygen from air, water and light.  Now, if'n that ain't magic, you tell me what is.

The upper equation adds a sugar to six oxygens and this results in six carbon dioxides, six waters, and energy.  This is the rock bottom fundamental of life because it doesn't matter what's on the DNA if there is no juice to run it.  This is what makes the juice and it only takes some sugar and oxygen to do it.  Anyone want to say that ain't magic?

To get into that in depth, check out WyzAnt: Cellular Respiration

Here's where we get to the Grandiose Stoner Theology because this truly is a fundamental since it applies to all life as we know it.  Sometimes people speak of intelligent design and there's almost no evidence of that at practical levels ... but ... that simple equation is genius beyond any human comprehension.  If there's an intelligent design, that's got to be where it lies because it applies to everything which lives.  Furthermore, it applies to everything which ever lived.

There's some variation on all this with anaerobic creatures since they don't require oxygen.  We will leave them out of it for now as they're kind of interesting for eating rocks and whatnot.  They also may turn up on other planets.   That's all very nice, very nice but we'll continue with the original magic.

Those are two fine Magicks listed above and, what's more, they're real.  There's a whole lot more Magick to understanding them in depth but we're not going to do that because we don't need it and the buzz will do fine without it.  The general concept is the fascination because it's so incredibly simple.  Only the most absolutely superlatively brilliant things can take absurdly complex things and reduce them to simplicity.

Any time anyone sees that measure of brilliance, it's inevitable people turn to supernatural origins for the source of it because it's unbelievable such a thing could randomly happen.

You can pursue that whichever way you like but we're going with comets for the moment.  We really don't like the idea of life on Earth being seeded from elsewhere because that means one hellaciously large family.  We usually think of Bug-Eyed Monsters from Space but what if they look like Dagwood Bumstead ... and they just came with the wife and kids for a few days (i.e. weeks).

Yep, the space aliens look like the Bumstead family from Plainville and they will arrive in an RV.

G'night, li'l stoners.  Keep an eye out for that RV, you hear?

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