Thursday, October 22, 2015

Spammer Asks How We Control Spam

Some of the sleaziest spammers on the Web relentlessly trawl blogs and spew their spam as comments in your blogs.  The ones who do it aren't adding even a molecule of intelligence to it as all of them take the form of some oddly-flattering text plus a link to the spammer's resource, whatever that resource may be and we doubt it is the Good Witch of the East and her cookie shop for the kids.

Ask to how I control spammers, I crush the fuckers and their spam has no chance of getting to you.  To do this, enable comment moderation for your blog.  It has an additional benefit in notifying you whenever a comment is posted because you have to moderate whether it gets displayed.  If it's a good one then you can post it and respond.  If it's not then you chuck it and its owner into a volcano.

Sorry if the comment moderation annoys you but the spam cycle varies and right now mother stopped a lot of them from masturbating and they are spamming the Universe instead.  It's not uncommon to get five or ten a day and the most irritating thing about them is they're so egregiously stupid.  All of them are almost identical but some King of the Spammer Asshats back there came up with the idea for blog trawling and any number of nong nongs have been copying it with little variation ever since.  So, chuck every one of those simple-minded fucktards into a volcano ... with all due respect to the volcano, of course.

Oh, yah ... and, Russia Boy, take a look at the Aral Sea and observe your whole fucking country is drying up because of Stalin.  How about you fix that shit before you come around here with your mindless spam crap.  Amazingly enough, I'm not interested in a penis extender although we strongly expect the spammer could use one.

Note:  the Aral Sea was largely drained by Stalin for agricultural projects and this resulted in the greatest loss of stored freshwater anywhere in the world.  It's not an exaggeration about Russia drying up as this was one of the world's great seas but now it's less than a quarter of its original size.  Russia is trying to do what it can and there is some small improvement in one part of it but there is incalculable damage to the seabed.  Again this is left for the interested student to pursue but it will likely shock any environmental sensibilities in you.

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