Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bombast, Bluster, and Benghazi

Really fascinating to see the celebrities on the red carpet in Washington and we sure will look forward to seeing the pics in People magazine.  The question everyone is asking is which ones are having sex.

We are not asking that here.  We don't care who in Washington is having sex with whomever else in Washington.  Whenever we look we see Hollywood Squares.

Unknown of the exact order for countries the U.S. bombed all to shit in the last fifteen years.  Must have been Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt as a surrogate, Libya, Syria.  Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia followed the U.S. model and started remote wasting Yemen to considerable additional loss of life and compounded chaos.

The list of countries in the Middle East the U.S. has not bombed to shit has become shorter than tempers of those who have watched the obscene process and now are insulted by the Benghazi fashion show.  We only see revealed cheesy Hollywood hucksterism in parading second-rate political talent yet again in front of people who are altogether distracted from anything important.  The biggest criminals of the entire Middle Eastern fiasco have never faced prosecution.  This Benghazi hearing is nothing more than a turkey shoot for amateurs.

We already know Clinton is worthless.  Let's talk to her about TransPacific Partnership and her rubber legs on that one.  So, yeah, thanks for the tip, Howdy Doody, or whoever the hell you are running that idiotic, self-serving clown show on Benghazi.

Meanwhile, in the real world (i.e. Bernie Sanders) ...

Yesterday's attack on Planned Parenthood in Claremont, NH, is nothing less than a violent assault on women’s health. These attacks must end.

There was a time when higher education was pretty close to free in this country, at least for many Americans.

29 million Americans still have no health insurance. A Medicare for all system would guarantee health care as a right.

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