Thursday, October 22, 2015

Conform or We Charge You With Marijuana Use Disorder

It's a glorious campaign on CNN just now to tell of the horrors of marijuana.  Why, use of it has doubled in the last ten years.  (CNN:  Marijuana study: Number of Americans toking up doubles in 10 years)

Right off, how the hell could they possibly know this.  Anyone out there know how many people were smoking reefer ten years ago?



The study was funded by the Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and used a quoted thirty-six thousand subjects.

So, to review, they sampled thirty-six thousand drunks about reefer.

Right, that makes sense.

(Ed:  so, how much do you drink?)

Pepsi or alcohol?

(Ed:  alcohol?)

I don't.

Just a tiny update on this ... stoners usually don't like alcohol and drinkers usually don't like reefer.  Sometimes it can be interesting to mix them but, more often than not, it will backfire.  Estimating reefer usage from consumption by drinkers is less than realistic.

But realism isn't important to get a headline on CNN.  It only has to be somewhat believable.

The thrust of the article is the danger of marijuana use disorder so now fucking shrinks have a term to use to hammer you into compliance.  You must conform.  You must be productive.  You must get to work on time.  Be obedient.  Don't argue.  Most of all that evil marijuana ... it's from Satan.  That's what.  It's satanic.

Here, take some of these pills.  You will be fine.  Come back next month to see me for more.  That will be $500.  Go back to work.  Bugger off.

This is not a cartoon; I have lived it.  I came back and said to the Worthless Freud, "heya, this stuff you gave me fucks me up sexually."

So she sez ... all together now ... "Don't worry.  We have a pill for that."

That was the last time I listened to a psychiatrist and that was a looooong time ago.

If you don't see psychiatrists pushing an agenda, look again, Stoner Boy.  Reefer is largely something for, in effect, self-medication ... self-medication which is bereft of psychiatrists.  If they can convince you there is something wrong with you then they will own you.

Or, maybe you want to be pacified and won't mind.

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