Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Bill Crum, Gransbury, Texas - Biker Killer - Not Clickbait - Only By Luck No-One Died

Bill Crum swerved illegally into the opposite lane on a two-lane road and caused a motorcycle crash which hurt the biker and badly hurt his woman.  (CBS DFW: Bikers: Driver Who Swerved Is Lying About Cause Of Motorcycle Wreck Seen In Viral Video)

Gransbury is not far from here in Fort Worth so this is local news.  The woman is in hospital here in Fort Worth but the driver wasn't hurt as badly.  In other words, it could have been me.  I don't ride anymore but I've hit the road like at high speed and I know this much:  it hurts like a motherfucker.

Note:  both were wearing full-cover helmets and neither got dead.  Being hurt sucks ... but ...

The thing some of you may not know is a good enough road rash hurts much worse than a broken bone.  I've done both plenty of times which means I suck as a rider but I also know what I'm telling you, it's not something I read in People magazine or some worthless crap the Jenners did.

Update:  Man Arrested in Granbury motorcycle wreck after Hood count DA investigates (Fort Worth Star Telegram)

OK, somewhat less steamed now.  That 'I don't care' from him just busted my ass.  If that rider had been a Bandido, that fool's house would be burning by now.

A rider takes his hit from a drop but if you cause it then count on the brothers coming around.  I don't pretend to be an outlaw biker but I've logged many miles and met many people.  Never, ever screw with outlaw bikers.  They aren't loyal to much else besides Harley Davidson but they are always loyal to the brothers.  If you hurt one then you hurt them all and they will come.  Can't say I fault them as you bring this on yourself when you hit one of the brothers.

Oh, it was an accident?

Bullshit, there are no accidents.  Hitting someone you did not see is not an accident but rather negligent homicide.

(Ed:  too harsh!)

Tell me that when you're lying there, all busted-up on the road, hoping you don't catch fire before the ambulance gets there.  Yah, tell me then, li'l snowflake.

That li'l girl was doing that on Saturday afternoon in Gransbury because of Bill Crum and she will have PTSD for life as a result of it.  Everyone has a measure of PTSD but she will be doing replays of the crash every time she hears a motorcycle and it never stops.

(Ed:  he's dead if you send him to jail)

That's the only reason for reluctance.  There are some extremely dangerous and vicious criminals in Texas jails.  It was in a Texas jail that some claim the Aryan Brotherhood was formed and they're some of the most violent people anywhere.  That old man wouldn't last any longer than a tumbleweed after what he did and what he said.

Ain't no righteousness in sending him to jail while pretending I don't know it will kill him.

We don't have a good answer for what is a suitable punishment for that old bastard.  Being a cranky old bitch is one thing but deliberately trying to do what he did ... whew ... simply writing a check does not cover this in any way.

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