Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Twitticisms and the State of the Blog

If this were the blog for the state, I'd shut it down as a public service.

So, the state of the blog is the latest with the Twitticisms because Google+ has a pogo stick up its ass about linkage with other systems, specifically Twitter.  The only way to get Tweets to Google+ is through a number of arcane applications or to bulk capture them and spill them into the blog.  So, that makes the Twitticisms and I don't see making them pretty as adding anything particularly useful although it would make sense to convert the time to local rather than using UTC / GMT.

The difference between the Twitticisms and What's Hot on the Blog is nothing ranks the Tweets.  My program captures them and then spills them.  It could look at the number of Retweets but that seems needlessly skittish to me ... so just dump 'em and there they are.

As to interest in other things, you all have little use for Apple verbiage.  El Capitan was released some weeks ago and I've found it highly interesting but one thing I have also noticed:  you all didn't.  That's ok as they don't all have to make the Billboard charts.

One thing you all definitely seem to like is ripping hell out of politicians but that's running light on material because the candidates have mostly turn out to be raving lunatics and one Trumpism is funny but the rest of them have been annoying.  Same thing with Carson as the stupid things he was saying were funny at the start but now they're just tedious.

About all we've got just now is this:

Donald Trump admitted today he does get hair styling advice from Benjamin Netanyahu.  He said he will make the combover popular because it's great, it's so great.

Yah, he's so out of gas for material.

We can find some redneck in Fark who tried to have sex with a goat so we can ridicule him and feel superior but that only makes us conspiracy to goat fucking and I'm sure you all, at least most of you, don't need that.

There's some goat fucking happening on Facebook today but we didn't want to watch and we ran away.

(Ed:  please explain and within the limits of bestiality laws, thanks)

Goats are bandits, man.  If they can get away with it, they will eat all your flowers and then blame it on the cow.  Goats have no flowers of their own because they always eat them so they come to eat yours and that was everything you will ever need to know about social networks.

(Ed:  they're all goats on social networks?)

Nah, not even that many but the goats constantly come sniffing around to discover if you have any more flowers.

(Ed:  why not just throw them some roses and be done with it?)

There's only one thing that will come from being nice to a goat:  it will bring another one next time.  You won't me to fookin' train them?  Heya, Goats, come to eat Silas' flowers.

The goats set their little traps apparently believing you can't spot an elephant in a strawberry patch if it wears red sneakers ... but it doesn't work.

(Ed:  will the riddles stop any time soon?)

Prob'ly not but, jeebers, it's not like they're so hard.

So, we'll see if we can rustle up some more material ... but it won't be from the Gossip Channel.  We like NetNewsWire because it's news without comments from paid political stiffs.

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