Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What's Hot on the Blog 10/20

Oct 20, 2015, 5 comments
Oct 19, 2015

Mean Girl - what I'm seeing here is you like slashing up politicians but it's not doing as much for you as it might ... or you're just as tired of those lamebrains as I.

Twitticisms - working up what I will do with capturing Tweets for subsequent presentation

Gulf Water - explanation for how the states facing the Gulf of Mexico got to acting the way they do

Twitticisms - Tweets from today

Sister Morphine - evolution of Marianne Faithful and she's been deep inside rock from the start

El Capitan - interesting to me but not so interesting to you

Honking - honking a car horn indicates a desperate need for sex

The People - there is huge admiration for Larry Flynt here because the man stood up against the state and won decisively.  He took a bullet for what he believes and it did not stop him.

Twitticisms - first workup of capturing Tweets

El Capitan - more impressions of Apple's new release and it's got a solid grip on a five star rating here at the Rockhouse

The day started with a fiasco over getting to VA in Dallas.  Which is only backhand for apologetic when the fact is readership for the blog goes up or down without any particular predictor for why.  It's not really my purpose to cater to anyone but still I get an impression of what interests people.  If that interests me to pursue yet further then do it and hopefully find something interesting for us all.

Part of you being interested is me being interested.  If I'm not really all that interested in something then I should not write about it because it's inevitable it will be flat.  That's only lazy reporting and no-one's going to get sexed-up from that.

There were various discoveries in science recently but there's a concern of being overly technical.  Let's try one of those and see how it goes.

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