Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What Else Does Sabrina Corgatelli Do

When Sabrina Corgatelli isn't paying African guides for sex and help in killing giraffes, what else does she do.

Note:  the African guides are not actually African but rather are Americans who murdered their wives and ran off to countries which have no agreements on extradition to the U.S.  They discovered they could sell their bodies to rich American playgirls and they could sell the lions to anyone who came around. It was a gravy situation all around.

Trouble with Ms Corgatelli is she couldn't get laid on a bet before she started shooting animals.  It's easy to screw hunters because they're dirty, smelly, and disgusting so other women want nothing to do with them.  When she discovered this, she couldn't rattle her cup against the cell bars loudly enough.  Check it out, I am one animal-killin' woman.  In English that means I'm horny as a goat and will screw anything so long as it's relatively-warm and has been recently-breathing.

She's not the same case as Walter Palmer as he will go to any length to prove he is a man while making a total fool of himself in the process.  For him I have no sympathy and would like to watch him die slowly in quicksand.  I'm somewhat more sympathetic to Corgatelli as she's obviously damaged and in much the same way but she's driven more by gonads than malice.  That doesn't excuse what she does, it just makes it more pitiful.

In some messages she has sent, she has said this will really piss you off.  In fact, she doesn't piss me off at all but instead creates an overwhelming sadness over her desperation.  Is it really that hard to get a date.  Do you have to kill these magnificent creatures to prove you are worthy.  (Answer: yes)

(Ed:  so what else does Sabrina Corgatelli do?)


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