With eyes revealing no more capacity for thought than how to catch flies with his tongue, this one is obviously a frog. He looks a lot like one of my nephews. Maybe he is my nephew. Therefore, I also am a frog.
Don't worry about his survival despite the amphibian die-offs in the world as Republicans gave him a ton of money for killing Michael Brown. That wasn't racist, however. It's only racist when a black guy kills a white guy. It's protecting law and order when cops kill black guys. Based on the records for 2015, cops have killed thirty times as many people as have killed them so their claims of mistreatment are just a wee bit exaggerated. About thirty cops have been killed this year as contrasted by almost seven hundred civilians who have been killed by cops. In that perspective, being a cop is dangerous like making ice cream.
Just like a frog, he's trying to get a job as cop somewhere else so he can shoot someone else and cash in again. He made about a half a million (as of a year ago) on shooting Michael Brown and even the KKK doesn't offer a bounty like that on shooting black guys. He works for the GOP instead of the KKK as the job is the same but the GOP pays better.
And here's the beauty part: this piece of shit blames his mother because she was such a thief. Just like a slimy ass frog to do that. (CNN: Former Ferguson cop Darren Wilson opens up about his life in seclusion)
There are lots of symp postings on the net about good cops but it's not clear why people waste my time with this crap. If there were good cops, they wouldn't put up with the bad cops. Serpico was fifty years ago. He was a good cop.
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