Thursday, August 13, 2015

About the Dance, the Woman, and Gabrielle Anwar (video)

The Dance is all about making love and we hear all the time from studs who proclaim their prowess but how can you really make love to a woman if you don't know how she likes to spin.  That lack of knowledge may be why we have so many baby daddies and so few men able to dance a tango.

Note:  teen birth rate has been declining for about ten years (rough estimate - haven't reviewed stats in some time)

The Tango is intimidating and so is a Merengue at first but, after you get comfortable with it, you will know about spinning.  As Al Pacino said, "It's not like life.  There are no mistakes in the Tango."

As to whether that knowledge made me a better lover, how should I know.  There's no-one here.

(Ed:  is that a cheap dodge to avoid answering the question?)



Something I noticed in the tango scene from "Scent of a Woman" is the behavior of Al Pacino's pupils.  They are almost unresponsive and pupil response is an auto-reflex.  That's why doctors shine a light in your eyes to find if you are croaked.  What kind of mad genius gives Al Pacino the ability to control even this.  Our pupils get larger when we see something we like and you can't act your way past that ... or apparently you can.  The video was posted previously but here's another link:

The Tango - Scent of a Woman
The Mask of Zorro dance scene - Alejandro & Elena


Anonymous said...

That's why many professional poker players wear shades.

Unknown said...

I'd last 12.43 seconds as a professional gambler which is precisely long enough lose all my chips and to drag my busted ass away from the table.

My thinking with gambling is if you have real balls, you will put everything you have on 35 and spin the wheel. No holding out a bus token to get home. Has to be everything.

I don't know if it works. What I do know is the idea came to me in the same place at which a friend hung himself from a tree some time after. I was the last one to talk to him but it had nothing to do with anything of that nature. There was no possible way to guess he would do this.

My guess as to what happened is he tried it although we never talked about it. I'm not trying to absolve myself of anything. It was mystifying and this was not at all the same situation as with Ophir but these things hit hard.

He did fucking what?

Unknown said...

I remember his funeral as I don't go to funerals but I went to this one. As they carried the coffin out of there, it was screaming at me to break him out of there, it has no windows, he can't see. No way in hell I will ever go to another funeral unless I'm in it. If I am in it, I will be pissed and I will haunt you. Burn me up! (larfs)