Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Forty-Eight Dollar Miracle Cure

For forty-eight bucks in geek bits, the system here is radically different and I do mean radically.

A cable extender and 25' of Internet cable for about twenty bucks.  This permitted me to move the computer to a place where I can get my legs under the desk and this makes a huge benefit for posture.  The only way I could use it previously was leaning way forward and that would compress hell out of my stomach.  That description is just for a general visual and you can figure for yourself the problems that will cause.  One of them was that I was horrified to see my posture when standing to play and that comes directly from the horrendous sitting position.  I'm highly-confident that twenty bucks just bought a significant benefit to health and definitely to comfort.

For not very much there are two small (i.e. 7-8 cm) fans behind the computer and the power source is USB.  The benefit to this is there is now constant airflow underneath the computer and this should help keep it cool during high-demand periods such as using virtual worlds, rendering video, etc.  A cool computer lives longer so this is not an obvious radicalism but it exists as one nevertheless.  I can feel the breeze coming out from under the front so I know they get it done.

The final was Amazon's powered seven-port USB hub and it's too geeky to go into what each port does but all save one are occupied.  This means a whole lot less plugging and unplugging as only one thing comes from doing that:  something breaks.

Big thanks to Yevette and Lotho as this would not have been possible without help and it just may be the best value I ever got in buying anything ever for my kit.

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