Friday, January 23, 2015

Bring Back Yeltsin for a Better World

In all high school girl fights, the climax is always when one girl pulls off the blouse of the other girl.  That's the win.  It doesn't gain much with Putin, tho, as we have already seen his nipples.

The beauty part is if America is so clever and finds a way to undermine Putin as then maybe we can get a cool one again.  Yeltsin was great as that fat-ass dipso couldn't even make a flight across the Atlantic without getting stinking drunk.  That's when relations with the Russians were fun and people forget this.

And Krushchev was great when he would take off his shoe to bang it on the table, "We will bury you!"

You can't even get theater like that out of Hollywood anymore.

So, get rid of Putin and bring those guys back again.  Let the good times roll.

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