Saturday, January 3, 2015

One Million Voices Against NAZIs - May 1 - Germany

German hippies rooted out the NAZIs still embedded in the government.  While American hippies were fighting the Establishment to end the Vietnam War, German hippies were fighting their Establishment to get the NAZIs out of it.  The street fights with cops were the same but the results in both cases were also the same:  the hippies won the day.

Note:  the NAZIs remaining in government were leftover functionaries from the war.  These were usually not top-end people but still they remained and the hippies got them out.

On May 1 in Germany, people will gather to join hands and voices against Nazism and this is a beacon to the rest of the world.  Angela Merkel knows what an oppressive regime is like as she grew up in East Germany.

When the Berlin Wall came down the situation was fertile for creating NAZIs as economic disenfranchisment works toward that every time, all throughout history.  That situation has improved substantially since that time but still NAZIs exist and the blazing irony is they protest Muslim refugees despite the neo-genesis of Nazism being that East Germans were essentially refugees in their own country.  And now they attack other refugees.

But one million people will stand up and use One Million Voices to say No.

Half a million people have already said via Facebook they will attend.  You can join the movement that way with this link to the Facebook page.

A world without NAZIs.  Imagine.

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