Thursday, June 1, 2017

"The Traveler and the Elixir" #Poetry

The shepherd wanted to go walking
and he asked if I would mind
He was young and didn't know so much
and wasn't sure what he would find
I told him I would walk with him
but I needed to bring my ass
since he's loyal and he'll carry things
to help us as we go

We had walked for several days
when a Traveler came the other way
He asked us if he could talk with us
since he had some things to sell
He showed us his elixir
which cures all known human ills
and even if you drop it
flowers come where it has spilled

If you should drink this potion
with a woman at your side
then I positively guarantee
soon she will be your wife
There's almost nothing it can't do
it holds magic we can't grasp
but for this day I'll sell to you
for whatever you can pass

The shepherd looked right to me
to ask what he should do
I told him don't you touch it
I have seen this bottle before
The donkey here beside me
once sold carpets as a man
but he drank from that same bottle
and you see now how that ran

We will just keep walking
I don't know what we will find
there's so much for you to see yet
it will bring more to ease your mind
than any kind of elixir
where was ever known to man
since you will find that which you're seeking
but only if you can

- Colonel Abuthnot Jones

Writing poems is better for sleeping
than you may ever do in counting sheep
even so I sometimes count elephants
because it's funny when they jump


Anonymous said...

ML here. I am so glad to see your poems again (and subjects not related to politics). I have always enjoyed them; one of the reasons I enjoyed your blog.

I think that for a while your blog writing/content became like a "tweet" and that was not so enjoyable. I enjoy the quality of your writings...quantity of tweet-like postings not so much.

Just an observation :)

P.S. Phone situation--could you just get one of those dual jack plug ins and run a long phone line connected to a cheapie extension to your part of the house?? I 'm so-o-o low tech I know but it could work and no cell required. Just a thought.

Unknown said...

Thank you on the poems and not so many will like them but it feels better to write them. The political aspect has become such an embarrassment in America and many others it's not even worthy of comment.

It should be possible to do that or even use some other jack but this house is as old as the Hosea Avenue Freak Foundation and the phone wiring is twisted. There's a cable running from back here to the front to bring the net so that approach does work but that cable has invited fury so many times because it tries to trip everyone who passes it.

I do think the ML EL is a value but a little slower to come than I had hoped.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm paying around $80 a month just to have the land line and answering machine avail--so I hate to see ya spend any more cash than you really need to.

Some duck tape could do the trick for that cable and wiring--get it long enough to tape to the top of any of the doorways and secure it that way. Don't want to make a safety hazard with it on the floor. But also, I was watching HSN shopping channel yesterday and they had a telephone that spoke the number calling, plus a call blocker of about 200 numbers. Would make the ideal extension in your case as you could hear who was calling before you decided if you wanted to answer it (it sucks when it's difficult to get up to see the caller ID-and it's a call you did not want to take). If you had that extension near you, it would be very handy--plus it would not wake Yvette.

Think about it some more. If I remember correctly the phone costs about $80, but it's a one time cost. I would be glad to help pay for the phone. It would help us all out :)

I will call again (probably next week). The humidity is low, so I'm taking advantage of it and hacking through the new growth in the yard. Hey! I'm saving $850 doing that myself--so I can afford to help with the phone :)

Unknown said...

I'm highly sure it will work but I need one piece yet to find if MetroPCS supports an iPhone 3. If yes, then it's clockwork after that and definitely not at Rolex prices. In fact, I need to go to the market anyway so that could be another stop. We shall see!