Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Case Study in Practical Intelligence vs Creative Intelligence #Science

The researchers made the case there are fundamentally different types of manifestations of intelligence in humans.  He observes a practical intelligence which is good at fixing things, etc but its focus is so much on acquisition it comes to an intellectualized sociopathy.

Creative intelligence does what you would expect creativity to do and the good doctor only makes the point to observe some types of education don't work for some people.

As a general example of the sociopathy of Smart Fools, take a look at how Harvard's name is frequently associated with racism of late and the same phenomenon of Smart Fools exists in many fraternity houses since they have established a pattern of killing pledges in their hazing rituals.  The rituals have not stopped and thereby provide us another example of the sociopathy.

Ithaka:  The Good Doctor Says It's a Generation of Smart Fools Rather than Swine - Science

What I argue is that intelligence that’s not modulated and moderated by creativity, common sense and wisdom is not such a positive thing to have. What it leads to is people who are very good at advancing themselves, often at other people’s expense. We may not just be selecting the wrong people, we may be developing an incomplete set of skills—and we need to look at things that will make the world a better place.

- Scientific American (link is in the Ithaka article)

The case studies are Paul Ryan or Ted Cruz.  The CBO has advised his AHCA will kick twenty-three million off insurance but that doesn't faze him and he doesn't change.  That type of indifference is also observed in Ted Cruz who shut down the government multiple times without regard to any consequence so long as he got what he wanted.

The remarkable things is practical / creative intelligence does not have an obvious genetic path since the same divisive split occurs in families with those possessed of practical intelligence mystified by the creative intelligence.  Eliminating genetic components typically takes twin studies but the general genetic path doesn't seem to make much different when it can break out either way with only a few taking both.

The Magic Land is possessed of enormous creative intelligence and everyone there is broke since creativity doesn't often pay that much but there are not many conservatives since few of them ever play.  You my perceive a slanting in that, particularly if you approach it from the standpoint of practical intelligence, but review the rock world for conservatives and there are hardly any.  It's not so much they don't like rock but they can't do it themselves.

Just the same, creative intelligence is useless for solving many seemingly obvious problems since cloud castles never need water and they never will blow a fuse.

The latest Rockhouse epiphany is the genetics do not appear relevant and that gives some reason for thought since the root of it is the question of what turns people into consumers versus players even within the same group of people.  Logically it seems they should swing generally the same way but families don't and a group doesn't as a whole either.

The Rockhouse has no conclusion from that, only the observation.  Make of it what you will.

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