Thursday, June 1, 2017

"Henrietta in the Park" #Poetry

I'll take Henrietta to the park
since the likes to eat the flowers
when no-one can see her
and both of us will laugh
She plays her harmless prank
but the flowers don't much like it
as she eats them rank by rank
until all of them are gone

They will grow back in a hurry
since plants are good that way
A six-foot rabbit eats many flowers
but they'll come back another day
I'm starting to love Henrietta
although making bunnies is way too weird
but she gets to feeling frisky
and that gets me all a'feared.

But hearing of frisky bunnies
is not the story to tell
since she glories in the sunlight
as that always feels just swell
since no-one else can see her;
she can do whatever she wants
and usually that's eating flowers
but who knows her next response

She keeps telling me there's more
the Watchman is coming close
He's the bunny in the waistcoat
and he always seems morose
He's late, he's late
for a very important date
and we mustn't make him impatient
by causing him to wait

Henrietta wants to go to him
she said he's now close by
but that's a new adventure
I'm not so thrilled to try
but perhaps we will find that Watchman
to learn about his date
and we know before we get there
we mustn't make him late

- Colonel Abuthnot Jones

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