Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Suddenly There's All Kinds of Interest in Roxy Gellar

Whenever there's a spike in people reading about Roxy Gellar, I don't even have to look to know she's done something shitty again.  (Ithaka:  The Silas Will Never Play for Roxy Gellar ... No Matter How Much She Begs)

Judging by the activity, she must have stirred the hornets again and you don't know pain until it comes from a Giant Asian Hornet.  They will chase you.  If they're really pissed, they may kill you.  Look it up as this is zero exaggeration.  They whacked forty-one people in China in 2013.

There's a huge smokescreen around Gellar about transgender and she wears it so thick she could make Beijing smog look like a garden party for the Queen.  Everybody gets it that she's transgender but she's been playing this for years and it's not anyone's job but hers to deal with it (i.e. be an asshole or don't be an asshole).

Judging by the activity, she's chosen to be an asshole again and, believe me, I don't wanna know.

She's one of the reasons I loathe drunkies.  Combine that with all kinds of mixed-up about transgender and you've got a basket case.

My consolations to whomever currently benefits from Gellar's malicious intentions.  It's likely zero comfort but you're not the first one.  Something turned her into a Destroyer but it's all bollocks ... blustery, blathery bollocks.

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