Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Rhode Island Shows Off America's First Offshore Wind Farm

It's not entirely clear who owns the wind farm since New York seems to claim it as well but, regardless of ownership, the wind-driven turbine farm is in production and live right now.  (Phys.Org:  First US offshore wind farm powering more of Rhode Island)

Many complain about the visual obscenity of wind turbines but there are many things uglier than they:

- any painting by George Bush

- a useless multi-billion dollar wall with Mexico

-  anything Justin Bieber ever did

-  Hillary Clinton's evil mind

-  what Alex Jones did to his kids

Wind turbines are ugly but not as much as the above and, if that were the case, they would have to be destroyed and eliminated from the face of the Earth as a public service.

The nation's first offshore wind farm is powering more of Rhode Island.

The Block Island Power Company says it shut down its diesel generators and transferred the island's electrical grid Monday, a savings of nearly 1 million gallons of diesel fuel annually.

Deepwater Wind's five turbines began generating power for the mainland grid in December. Block Island had to be connected with a new cable.

The power company says the early morning transfer was the final step in a process that began more than a decade ago, when the cost of fuel for the generators drove electrical costs to more than 60 cents per kilowatt hour.

It says Block Island's 2,000 electric customers now have access to cheaper and cleaner energy at stable prices.

- PO

That was their entire article and there's not much content but it confirms the fact of what happened.

Wind turbines are everything Big Oil is not although there is some corresponding lethality with wind turbines in the number of birds which are killed the blades.  Thus far, however, wind turbines have never defiled Indian burial grounds nor poisoned any ground water.

Sometimes people ask why Big Oil continues but Hendrix knew.

"There are so many sleeping people." - Jimi Hendrix  (on Dick Cavett show)

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