Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Getting the Strange Start in the Midwest

I was out, dead cold, and a phone started ring ... this makes no sense ... I have no phone ... is that Skype ... wtf, wtf??

It was Skype and Cat wanted send some love and good wishes to Yevette.  She asked me to tell her and I do whenever I hear anything like that.  Cat has been through it in her own life and she knows many people can't handle it so they run away, possibly with some crazy thinking cancer, old age, Moon madness are contagious.

Note:  Moon madness definitely is contagious.  Stop on down any time as the Rockhouse has lots of that.

I definitely tell Yevette about it since the ones who stay are the ones who count.

Ed:  even you count?

Well, for the course of the treatment I count.  After that I revert to the normal perception of me as a Commie wastrel who hates humanity and wants to suck its blood which, of course, has always been accurate.

I was talking with Cat and apologized since I was half there and half in outer space.  I wasn't high but goofy from the sleep situation and that doesn't appear to have changed much since talking (larfs).  It's four hours until show time and I doubt sleep will happen in the interim ... but it might.

Today won't go down as hard as yesterday since the time required is a whole lot less but, more importantly, this is the best wake-up I've seen from Yevette in some while.  The mornings have been brutal but that's not happening so far and, relative to the last week or so, that's an astounding surprise.

Be careful about interpreting 'best wake-up' since that's a relative idea and sucks less counts.  This morning it does seem to suck somewhat less.

My ol' Dad got sooooo dramatic whenever my ol' Mother made anything sounded like it might have been a distress call.  He would be jumping over furniture and all kinds of stuff.  It looked gallant and kind of ridiculous at the same time.

There's zero thinking of jumping over furniture since I'm happy if I don't trip on the cables.

I'm sure the sibs remember this since he was a man with a claimed IQ of, well, higher than anyone else in the Universe but he would arrive at wherever my ol' Mother was and be liked a bewildered kid, "What's wrong; what's wrong; what needs my attention since I am so ready."

He was crazy but he was charming.

Maybe the sibs also remember the V-shaped lines on each side of his forehead and how he told us those types of facial marks are rare; they're only seen on geniuses ... or madmen.

Insofar as geniuses often are madmen, he got that one dead straight.

I hope I'm doin' you proud, ol' Dad.  I'm not likely to be jumping over things any time soon but you bet I go when I hear the sound.

Tactical remarked about throwing away food today but it's rare and my operating plan has to be ensure whatever is needed is here even if she may not be able to hack it.  In the last week or so, she hasn't been able to hack much of anything so some did go to waste but I don't consider it wasted since, wtf, bananas don't cost much and much better to have them than to miss them.  Bringing her a steak is pointless since there's no chance she could eat it but bananas can work.

Meanwhile, the ganja has not played into this.  Nausea appears to come from cigarette smoke rather than the ganja but this is not a time to push anything.  That's my hypothesis but Yevette isn't a lab subject so I leave that one to you.  According to multiple reports, ganja can help with the nausea from chemo.

Four more days and out.  On the night before this one, she didn't think, for the first time, she would be able to do it.  After getting today's events logged, I don't see any doubt in her now.  Fuckin' A, I'm going to finish this thing.

As the caregiver, it's a relatively easy approach.  Review anything you want ... and forget about it.  Whatever she wants is it and the remarkable thing is you won't resent it.  Maybe that's been the biggest surprise for me in liking being able to help in my small part.

However, I do have an Anonymous mask in my cart for eight bucks at Amazon.  There could be some comedy in that ... but it will keep for now.

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