Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Go Ahead and Kill the Christian Church Since that Worked So Well the First Time

The last time Westerners took down the church, there was one tiny problem and it's not something you will hear from pseudo-scientific puffballs like Richard Dawkins who was outstanding at science at one time but he only plays on the pundit monkey shows these days to give his estimable views on religion.  Years upon years of scientific learning and that's all he's doing with it.


Dawkins was arguably the best theoretical geneticist in the world so what possible phenomenon can drive such a man from seminal work in his field to the tawdry crap he does now.  Pitiful.

The one tiny problem with killing the church the first time was (da da) the Dark Ages followed and lasted for half a millennium in which the world descended into a state of almost total anarchy mixed with the most virulent plague the world has ever suffered.

Rome wasn't only the center of the Christian Church but was also the center of civilization.  (Note:  this ignores the split which created the East and West Holy Roman Empires and it was the Western side in Rome which went down ... that led to the advancement of the East ... until the Plague)

Ed:  maybe God was pissed?

Maybe, Pat Robertson, your God is an asshole who would do such a vicious thing but mine ain't.  Piss off.  When you tell us viciousness is in the hearts of men and then ascribe that attribute to God, our only reaction is to suggest you fuck yourself with an axe ... soon ... as a public service.

Ed:  you're mighty defensive for someone who says he is not a Christian!

I'm not defensive; it's simple logic.  Why would God create us just to fuck us up.  That's not only illogical; it's fucking stupid.

Note:  If there's any center of civilization today, it's got to be either Germany or Russia.  Merkel is the only Western leader who has had the courage of principle to tell the Saudis to piss off in their requests for more weapons for their genocide against Yemen.  Putin wouldn't screw around with those Saudi Arabian KKK bastards in the first place.

Pestilence, Black Death, and the Inquisition couldn't kill the Catholic Church ... but Protestantism could do it because now anyone can be a preacher and, buddy, there's a pile of pesos in that pulpit.  Plus you still get to fuck.  How can the Catholic Church possibly compete so now their churches slowly convert into rock halls or storage for all those crates from "Raiders of the Lost Ark."

The Catholic Church has, by far, the best music for funerals.  If you don't feel the good Lord at any other time go to one of those and you fucking will.

The regulars have, of course, done the required reading of "A Canticle for Leibowitz" and the resemblance between the Order of Saint Leibowitz and the medieval Catholic Church can't be an accident.  The Order doesn't bring an Inquisition but it's definitely the storehouse of knowledge during the dark centuries after a nuke war.

The willful destruction of the church by any external means violates human integrity but it's also an attack on the Order of Saint Leibowitz since even when knowledge survived nowhere else it did survive in the Catholic Church.

Whether people believe in God or any of the more far-fetched aspects of the Bible isn't particularly important within the larger social construct of a self-sustaining entity which has, in fact, been a storehouse of knowledge for longer than any other human resource.  It's much more than simply a belief in the existence of a God and not only in terms of makes me a better person or some such but in the larger view of preservation of a structure which is one of the most important supports of Western civilization and has been for well over a thousand years.

If you don't believe in God then, fine, don't believe ... but ... destroying the church on that basis is short-sighted, malicious, and evil.

Ed:  how about if I whack Joel Osteen?

Mystery Lady thinks he's ok but I don't really get it since I knew Robert Schuller and he ain't no Robert Schuller.

Ed:  maybe he was a rich pig too!

Na na na na na na na ... I can't hear you ... na na na na na na na

Ed:  you really knew Robert Schuller?

I saw him on TV so we're friends now, right?  Works on Twitter.

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