Monday, May 1, 2017

Donald Trump Really Eats the Chimichanga with Knowledge of Andrew Jackson

We have learned better than to ask if there's anything more stupid Donald Trump can do but the latest defies belief in his contention Andrew Jackson would have prevented the Civil War.

Fucking hell.  He talks as glibly of American history as he does the Bible as if he ever read either one.

Andrew Jackson was the Adolf Hitler to the Indian Nation for the unspeakable things he did to them but Trump calls him swashbuckling.

What kind of brain-addled monkey thinks that's swashbuckling since that Cherokee Trail of Tears just buckled swashes from Tennessee to Oklahoma.  It was such a glorious triumph to see women losing their babies due to the hardship and starvation from it.

That miserable, cowardly fuck.

Cadillac Man, I'm not buying it about any frame of reference for Andrew Jackson since the only one he knew was the one of a murdering thug, the same one any tyrant in history used.

The first refuge of an incompetent President is to start another fucking war and Trump steams full speed ahead for North Korea and anywhere else he can bomb something.

Meanwhile his bullshit vacuum health plan is in pieces on the floor and Paul Ryan plays it like the Black Knight in Monty Python with his own failed plan.

That AHCA plan from Ryan is now coming back for its ninth year of the People chopping off his arms but that idiot just blows it off and grows new ones since flatworms can do that and then he does it again two weeks later.

"Come back here.  I'll bite your legs off." - the Black Knight alias Paul Ryan

Oh, but it gets worse.  Zuckerberg thinks he's Presidential material.  (RT:  Zuckerberg 2020?: Facebook CEO tours America’s rust belt amid rumors of political run)

Ed:  Washington has become like "Bowling for Dollars" or Amateur Night at the Karaoke Club

It has been for some while, mate.

Put the man with the lack of judgment to push forward with Facebook Live and then push him into the White House.  Oh, yeah.  You haven't even begun to see how much of a freakshow Washington can be.  (Ithaka: Facebook Live Continues Attracting the Most Vile Obscenities in Video)

Now it makes sense why Zuckerberg was talking that vacuous bullshit about religion not so long ago.  He was already hustling.

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