Friday, March 3, 2017

Making Marijuana Safer to Smoke - Science (sort of)

Those who have lived long enough remember some of the scientific wisdom regarding the use of drugs at that time and one of their advisories was 'don't you eat that LSD since it will break your chromosomes.'

I know more trippin' people from my life than boring people know golfers and Lotho never needed a color television again after all the acid he ate.  He must have broken more chromosomes than in a biological demolition derby but he has three kids approaching their thirties and none of them are missing any of their bits.

Ed:  the purple fur is a bit disconcerting!

That's not fur, it's fookin' hair, and it's purple because they died it to make it that way ... and looked cool as hell too.  They used multiple other colors as well and if eating LSD does that to your design sense then everyone should eat more of it.

Now a subset of the original chromosome breakers is back into the mix since the scientists want to 'make marijuana safer.'  (RT:  Make cannabis safer to smoke, researchers say)

Ed:  what's dangerous about marijuana?

After fifty years of smoking that dangerous stuff, I'm not exactly wondering about danger from it and there's no record of it ever killing anyone ... as in ever even once.  American MSM tries to make a case sometimes these days that it's lethal but there's no more truth to that premise than anything else the goombahs of gab are paid to say.

With a growing number of countries liberalizing the use of cannabis, new ways to make the drug safer for users are urgently needed, experts warn.

A report, ‘Can cannabis be made safer?’ published in the Lancet Psychiatry Journal, claims that the amount of people in the UK seeking specialist treatment for cannabis side effects has increased by 50 percent in the last eight years.

- RT

What experts?  Who are they?  Why is the 'unnamed source' the most popular stock in trade for fake news?

Ed:  and why do people hate rhetorical questions?

We're sure the report of a fifty percent increase is true but the thing they leave out is any shred of cogent statistical analysis.  The suspicion of the Rockhouse is those who couldn't handle ganja were Brit limeys and one had gone crazy but then they found his crazy brother so now they have two and are declaring an international emergency based on that non-information.

Their information is up-to-the-fucking-second, tho.

While old-style herbal cannabis is unlikely to cause mental health issues, the reports warns that the majority of cannabis being sold on the streets is an extremely potent form of the drug, known as ‘sinsemilla’ (which in Spanish means ‘without seed’) or ‘skunk’, which could increase the risk of developing psychosis.

“Although most users will not develop problems from their cannabis use, it is vital, especially now that cannabis is becoming increasingly liberalized, that we explore alternative and innovative ways by which we can reduce and mitigate cannabis related harms,” says the report’s lead author Dr. Amir Englund of King’s College London.

- RT

I don't think I have ever heard any stoner talking about 'sinseimilla' since the Eighties but science is catching up ... really ... trust us.

By the way, did you hear about the dangers of LDS?  It will break your chromosomes, you know.

Ed:  yes, I know.  LDS is what gave us Mormons and you won't find crazier than that.

Why do you call Mormons crazy?

Ed:  when conservatives are working assiduously to undermine protective legislation to keep the air and water clean, they're not just crazy but the malicious lunatics without any slightest concern for the physical or mental health of anyone.

America led the world in the clean-up of the environment and may be one of the environmentally cleanest anywhere but they want to change that.

Ed:  and they call you crazy

Yep, (sob) through most of my tragic life.

Ed:  I bet it was really tragic when you were living in Greece!

Feel my pain, my chill'uns.  Learn from my mistakes.

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