Friday, March 3, 2017

Donn Devore Live at Cat's Gallery in the MusikCircus #secondlife #music #contemporaryart

Yesterday I ran an article about Cat's Gallery in which she displays her art and musicians perform from the stage.  All of that looked fantastic yesterday in the finest surrealistic way.  (Ithaka:  The Cat Boucher Gallery at the MusikCircus)

Then Donn Devore came to play last night and, to my regret, I was not at the concert but things went from fantastically surreal out to the next dimension.  However, I have pictures.

You may not have seen anything like this since 1967.  The visuals came in part from Soul Purity who brought the dynamic psychedelics while Donn Devore brought his music for psychedelics of his own so I have no doubt this was one outstanding show and was not to be missed.

Here's a close-up on Donn while he was playing.

And one more to complete the series.

Ed:  wtf happened?

State censorship, man.  Resist.

Ed:  are you serious?

It's a giant cartoon, mate.

Ed:  why screw with a cartoon?

Because I've seen network news and there's more reality in the Second Life cartoon than MSM may ever know.

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