Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Trump Scores Big in Slapping Down the CIA

The regulars have seen the CIA lambasted multiple times and deservedly for their many examples of incompetence and the charges of Russian hacking are just more of the same.  Donald Trump has called them out on it and that leaves Obama out in the cold but he chose that cynical path and history will remember that.

There's irony in Trump's observation of the 'so-called hacking' and indirectly the ethics of the CIA on the same day House Republicans attempted to throw out the Independent Ethics Watchdog but Trump shamed them into backing down too.

The Silas is a lifetime Democrat but these are impressive moves.  The regulars have seen multiple rants about how America's foreign policy has been gutted and subverted for CIA purposes, none of which ever go up for a vote.  Maybe you remember a vote when LBJ croaked Che Guevara via the CIA but I was alive at the time and I don't recall one.

LBJ made a War on Poverty, alright, but it wasn't what it seemed.

There's all manner of banter about taking down Obamacare but it's probably impossible.  The only part which was a big hit was insuring twenty million people who did not have it before and, presumably, are subsidized now.  Is America really going to cut them off cold and turn them out.

Many are frantic over the prospect of abortion rights shutting down while an estimated seventy percent of Americans support such rights.  That will sure make for one fine parade when those rights shut down so we don't believe that will happen.  Trump is a businessman and one who more than likely wants a second term.  Killing abortion rights is almost guaranteed to ensure that second term will never happen and he would be one seriously foolish politician to fail to recognize that.

However, Trump hasn't made a move in either direction while he has made strong ones with regard to a massively-flawed foreign policy.  Trump has shown a whole lot of savvy since Republicans hated him from the start but he smoked the lot of them and their Old School is in ruins.  The path Trump chooses, thus far at least, looks highly rational and that's one huge rarity after many years.

While the Silas is a lifetime Democrat, that old codger is painfully aware of Chameleon Democrats who have brought ugly smells to the party multiple times.  LBJ was one of them and he was about B+ in talking the talk but the background walk was he escalated Vietnam via Gulf of Tonkin, he capped Che Guevara, etc, etc.  He was one stone evil son of a bitch.

We saw the same thing with Clinton (both of them) and Obama.  It was worst with Obama in which domestic policy went right down the toilet and there were almost eight hundred killings in Chicago last year while cops treat the streets throughout the country like a rodeo.  Foreign policy is sung like some kind of success but five thousand of those successes wound up floating dead in the Mediterranean and there's social chaos in Europe due to the number of refugees.  Even better, there was the escalation with Russia over a relationship which had been largely dormant for years.

Like I say, they were Chameleon Democrats and they did no service to the party.

Trump, thus far, is in grave danger of bringing something to the Republican Party which has not been present in a fearful long time and that's honor.  When he shows the balls to stand up to the CIA, he's impressing us here at the Rockhouse because those fuckers will kill you where you stand.  There are many good things about America but the CIA has never been one of them.


Anonymous said...

Honor is not a term used much in conjuction with Trump
Are we talking personal honor or institutional honor to a political party?
Neither of which I think are likely

Unknown said...

In standing up to the CIA, I see highly honorable and extremely rare behavior. Likely or not, he's doing it so I observe to see where he goes with it.