Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Sean Hannity Interview with Julian Assange (full)

There has never been a Rockhouse thought of presenting Sean Hannity doing anything but it's a remarkable phenomenon to see a Fox News journo such as Hannity speaking with apparent equanimity with Julian Assange, a man who is routinely described as the closest thing to the Anti-Christ.

This radical shift in tone toward Julian Assange is yet more of what seems a large-scale and radical transformation within the Republican Party.  The Old School keeps gasping for breath but that came to Paul Ryan announcing he doesn't know what dabbing means.  We don't care if you know, Paulie; move along now.

Tip:  leave dabbing to stoners as the dance will fade away but we won't.

No doubt you have seen it for years in which Assange has been assailed repeatedly and, if not, we have and it's stunning to see such a shift in the way he is being covered.

There's also a continuing disparity of coverage between that of Fox and CNN but the latter is fading into absurdity since one of its headlines today was about some actress announcing she's in love with her girlfriend.  We're happy for you, dearie, but we really don't care how you dab either.

While Fox seems to widen, CNN takes a dive.  They must see by now Obama is hung out to dry and that must suck after their horse choked in the election.  Unknown what becomes of them but maybe Clinton took them down too (shrug).

Late-breaking news:  CNN tore itself away from lovelorn actresses and announced Trump used Assange, etc, etc.

Fact:  Julian Assange started WIKILeaks back in about 2007 or so and, to my knowledge, Donald Trump might not have even been dreaming of being President at that time.  Assange's record with WIKILeaks has shown clearly he doesn't listen to anything but truth and no-one uses him as any kind of a tool.

Republicans are pulling some major surprises this day.  That's unusual in itself since they rarely surprise in anything, at least not since Reagan.

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