Thursday, December 10, 2015

Twitticisms 12/10 - 1

12-10-2015 11:28:14 - PINE A64, $15 64-Bit Single Board Super Computer - Extraordinary Kickstarter project. Major competition for Pi:
12-10-2015 11:13:59 - The U.S. Navy did get one thing right, tho accidentally: Andrew Jackson damn sure was a destroyer. He wasted one hell of a lot of Indians.
12-10-2015 11:00:09 - Ithaka Blog: "Wind of Change" - Scorpions (video): All their wars move from place to place but the music doesn...
12-10-2015 10:22:21 - @realDonaldTrump usually knows enough to pick only easy targets ... not a Bald Eagle (video) via @TIME
12-10-2015 10:03:24 - Ithaka Blog: Star Shower Lasers - Be Careful with that Axe, Eugene (video): The Star Shower laser display is g...
12-10-2015 09:50:05 - Willie Logan - Weekend Man (From the film Wild Side Of Life) via @YouTube
12-10-2015 09:07:57 - There is one good thing about @realDonaldTrump: neither the Kardashinoids nor the North Koreans can get a word in edgewise.
12-10-2015 09:02:02 - Impeach Supreme Court judge Antonin Scalia for overt racism and desecrating the integrity of the Supreme Court. #BlackLivesMatter
12-10-2015 09:00:40 - We got an ID on Katie Hopkins: Tory comfort girl in Britain. Neither seminal nor progressive be.
12-10-2015 08:57:37 - Katie Hopkins (who is she?) brags about Brit radicalization and the most corrupt banks in the world. via @MailOnline
12-10-2015 08:23:15 - Ithaka Blog: U.S. Navy uses USS Andrew Jackson to Share Racist Spotlight with Donald Trump: The USS Andrew Jac...
12-10-2015 08:22:14 - So, you were asking what Muslims do when they don't drink alcohol? Well ...
12-10-2015 08:21:16 - RT @BernieSanders: We bailed out Wall Street. It's their time to bail out the middle class and help our kids be able to go to college tuiti…
12-10-2015 08:05:33 - America would be a lot better and safer if Donald Trump supporters were deported to just about anywhere @CNN
12-10-2015 08:01:55 - USS Jackson named after Andrew Jackson, the bar-none worst of the Manifest Destiny Indian killers @CNNPolitics
12-10-2015 08:00:25 - CNN has had a big pic of @realDonaldTrump for the last three days and the only thought coming from anyone about him is STFU.
12-09-2015 23:24:15 - Walmart costs Americans over 400,000 jobs, study claims — RT USA
12-09-2015 23:19:51 - Chicago protesters block streets, scuffle with cops, demand Mayor Emanuel resign — RT USA
12-09-2015 23:17:58 - Ithaka Blog: Stalking Will Never Work At That Volume - Call It Hot Pursuit: Trial run of "The Sanctuary Song" ...

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