Saturday, November 28, 2015

Twitticisms 11/28 - 1

11-28-2015 05:29:56 - As to a national U.S. crime wave ... well ... that was not true either. via @nbcnews
11-28-2015 05:23:31 - Ithaka Blog: "Little Boxes" - Pete Seeger (video): Pete Seeger is almost a walking folk tale of Americana but ...
11-28-2015 05:15:07 - Ithaka Blog: His Name Was Alan Kurdi: Alan Kurdi was three-years-old.  He had a three-year-old brother who als...
11-28-2015 04:46:59 - When the answer is Arkansas, you ask the wrong question | Fox News |
11-28-2015 04:39:19 - Clinton Remained Silent As Wal-Mart Fought Unions via @HuffPostPol
11-28-2015 04:34:27 - RT @relombardo3: That must be why she want to raise the minim to $12 instead of $15. She wants to pocket that 3 dollars for herself.
11-28-2015 04:32:55 - RT @BernieSanders: With a net worth of more than $136 billion, the six @WalMart heirs own more wealth than the bottom 42% of Americans. #Bl…
11-28-2015 04:32:20 - RT @BernieSanders: We proudly #StandWithPP of Colorado Springs and the brave law enforcement personnel who fought to protect it.
11-28-2015 03:50:54 - Hot or Not Christmas Gift: the GPS with the Mother-in-Law option. Whichever way you go is wrong.
11-28-2015 03:35:13 - Ithaka Blog: CNN Journos Don't Give a Rat's Ass About Civilians Killed in Colorado Springs: CNN was never a so...
11-28-2015 03:08:10 - Ithaka Blog: The Face of Racism on Facebook - Case Study: Maybe you think racism is something from the sixties...
11-27-2015 20:47:28 - The thing to sum the day the best is in the things we didn't know about catfish.
11-27-2015 20:31:22 - Ithaka Blog: When Horror is So Much You Escape or Explode: So horrified by the attack at the Colorado Springs ...
11-27-2015 20:14:35 - So horrified by the attack at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood and even more by reaction to it ... so just screwing off on the blog.
11-27-2015 19:26:02 - Ithaka Blog: A Tale of the Travails of American Toilet Terror (video): There was a time of wit in commercials ...
11-27-2015 18:48:51 - Ithaka Blog: When Your Dog Plays Frisbee Better Than Your Girlfriend: Somehow, we imagine the girl is happy he...
11-27-2015 18:17:24 - RT @CNN: Colorado Springs Mayor: Police have detained suspected gunman at Planned Parenthood facility…

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