Wednesday, October 21, 2015

With Netanyahu and Trump, It's the Combover Making Them Crazy

Netanyahu made an excuse for Hitler in one of the most outrageous claims about the history of WWII.  (CNN: Netanyahu criticized for saying Holocaust was mufti's idea, not Hitler's)

Netanyahu has a rated IQ of about 180, almost twenty points higher than Stephen Hawking.  However, the same situation applies to James Woods with an IQ of 184.  Woods has got the mad love for Carly Fiorina and Netanyahu is telling some Muslim mufti told Hitler in 1941 to wipe out the Jews.  Maybe Woods is just sucking up for a gig on "The Tonight Show."  Maybe he could try singing to dogs, fookin' Yorkies.

So, uh, say there, Bennie, how can Israel be pissing off Muslims in 1941 when Israel did not even exist until 1947.

Ah, yes, Muslims have always hated Jews and that, naturally, explains how they have lived with each other for centuries and it's only since WWII that the outrageously brutal stuff started.  The bombing started with the King David Hotel and that tradition of bombing has been sustained ever since by whomever cared to make the latest bomb.

The Euros had plenty of resentment for Jews of their own and didn't need a mufti for any of it.  Jews went into banking in the sixteenth or seventeenth century because Christians, like Arabs, regarding banking as sinful.  After seeing the way the big banks behave, it's easy to see why.

Because Christians weren't interested in banking, Jews took up money lending, made tons of money, and that was more than enough reason for people to hate them.  That continued up until Hitler who had, in fact, been counseled in Austria and that's where he got the thinking about wasting Jews.  Whether he thought to kill them at that time is unknown but you have seen the way Jews were treated long before any mufti showed up.  Believing Hitler had any kind of a good intention for Jews beyond using them in labor camps is simply utter rubbish.

As to whatever Trump has said lately ... all together now ... I Don't Give a Fuck

These fucktards can only insult you if you let them.  Netanyahu's relentless hate-mongering crap is contrived and artificial but remember always he is the right wing in Israel, he does not speak for the entire country.  Hopefully the overturn of the right wing government in Canada is a harbinger of better times and that dark conservative cloud over the whole fookin' world will slowly ameliorate.

What do you know, the real dynasty emerged in someplace no-one was looking.  Justin Trudeau is the son of Pierre Trudeau, noted intellectual and one of Canada's greatest prime ministers.  At least one has called him 'the father of modern Canada.'  They will no doubt be talking of dynasties and they bring high-calibre intelligence.

Surely the rest of the world sees the pendulum has swung too far to the right and seriously needs correction before any more refugees die, before ny more die of deprivation as a result of austerity programs, and before so many things which are in desperate need of attention but don't get it.

Justin Trudeau may be the one piece of shining good news cutting through an unbelievable wasteland of political hogwash everywhere else.

(Ed:  so fucking poetic)

Bite me.  I want to see things shining rather than have to endure yet another volley of mud pies from the local politicians.  All save one are nothing but embarrassing.

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