Saturday, October 10, 2015

Raffle for the Job of Speaker of the House

Trying to raise money so Marco Rubio can make bigger bets in Las Vegas, the Tea Party is raffling off the position of Speaker of the House to the highest bidder.  One congressman ran an ad in Craiglist to advertise the position and request resumes for consideration.

The Freedom Caucus demanded the ad be withdrawn and insisted the Speaker of the House should get the position the same way they got theirs in Congress:  pay for it.  Therefore, raffle off the position on eBay.

The Speaker of the House position is now available on eBay and your chances are good as the only bid so far was from Sean Hannity for $25.  He made a comment later to say if he has to act like a Republican then the bid is withdrawn.

Pete Rose announced he is making a petition to enter the Baseball Hall of Fame ... which he should have got twenty years ago.  He said if Marco Rubio can bet on himself then why was I criticized for it.  He said he would bet against Rubio anyway as the rube doesn't have a chance.

Hillary Clinton said she would ask CNN to stop promoting her because the more they do it the more Sanders pulls away from her.  She said for the kind of money she pays them, CNN doesn't return very good results.  Clinton hinted she may make a bid for Speaker of the House and she added, fuck it, that's better than getting a gig as a co-host on "The View."

Meanwhile, there's one political crisis after the other and it's a permanent political code red triple danger warning on every fucking thumbtack they put into a bulletin board.  They make more noise than the whiniest suburban tadpole who couldn't get a date.

The thing it all glosses past is there is not a damn thing in the news.  Strip out all the explosions and military posturing, throw out the endless Washington melodrama, and dump the latest boobie shots from some wannabe celebrity ... there's nothin' left.

Except a gig as a co-host on "The View" talkin' about nothin'.

They never ask why there's nothin' better to say.

There's a lot better to say.

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