Friday, August 14, 2015

Best Use for Anti-Vax and a Can of Spraypaint

The GOP can't be blamed for the anti-vaccination drive as much of it comes from California hipsters. They infect morons with the anti-vax disease and off it goes to Facebook where it becomes fact:  vaccination causes autism.

Note:  technically speaking, that's bollocks.  Vaccination does not and never did cause autism.

The psychiatric association redefined the specifications for autism and that meant a great many more people qualified as 'victims' of it.  The same phenomenon was noted with Attention Deficit Disorder as a generic excuse for incompetent teachers which results in drugging children to pacify them rather than getting better teachers.  There's nothing much wrong with any of these kids but these pseudo-diseases resulted in a big payday for quack doctors and Big Pharma.

(Ed:  are you suggesting Jenny McCarthy was bribed to say what she does because she's a failed actress who never made a movie for an audience more intellectually-gifted than the average population of salamanders?)


(Ed:  if she hasn't tried the 'someone stole the nudie pics from my cellphone' scam yet, it's inevitable she will.)

No doubt.

So ...

Just to ensure this is machine-readable, that's Jim O'Kelly at 219-508-5597.  You may wish to call him and thank him personally for the resurgence of measles and to wish him luck, just as did the painter, with bringing back polio.


Anonymous said...

You might be interestesd in this. I don't want to say karma came home, but this is quite the sad coincidence..

Unknown said...

Chicago Trib was too cheap to let me read the article without paying for it. What I deduce from the area code is this is the same Jim O'Kelly as the billboard and something terrible happened to his granddaughter but it's not clear what it was. I put myself into the chain of voodoo leading to that and that's not a good place to be.

This online shaming is something I need where I need to be more cognizant of my own power. I'm more than happy to slash hell of Jenny McCarthy as a 'walking titty bar' and that's rationalized by her doing harm to children but it's not rationalized by it at all.