Monday, June 8, 2015

Posing as Muslims at a Pamela Geller Cartoon Show

If it's dangerous comedy you want, this will qualify as you will be walking straight to the belly of the beast and will be surrounded by some of the stone craziest people in the country, many of whom will be armed.  They think they defend freedom (i.e. by crushing it out of anyone else) and they absolutely will kill you if they think they can get away with it.

To set it up, it shouldn't be tough to find some fairly convincing Arabic apparel, hopefully for not too much money.  You'll need to grow out the whiskers as it's a dead giveaway, and I do mean dead, if you're clean-shaven.

The object of the mission is to visit the show with enough fake Muslims that you really don't have to engage anyone and can walk as a group to preview each cartoon while saying Allahu Akbar a lot and then laughing in front of each cartoon.  Hopefully they will let you leave without incident as metal detectors at the door won't stop their own good guys from packing guns.

The trouble with metal detectors is they may detect cameras and then you're busted although a smaller one will likely have a plastic case and may pass.  It's imperative to have cameras within your clothing as the mission is pointless without video.  It's also your defense if they get violent and don't underestimate for a moment the danger of it as these people are rock-bottom psychos and they absolutely will kill you.

(Ed:  how can you be so sure?)

Because they're terrified.  That's why they got the guns in the first place.  Scared people shoot first and think later.

You can't take down Geller by fighting her but you can by ridiculing her.  She'll fade off anyway unless some idiot attacks her but it could get some hilarious, if dangerous, video in screwing with her before she fades out and does cooking shows or something.

Update:  this one is too dangerous.  The only way to do it and ensure prosecution of whomever attacks you is to send yet another member of the party into the place who is also filming but is not part of the Muslim act.

The comedy would be enormous but the risk of getting shot by them would be too high to entertain it.  These are really dangerous people who are border-line psychotic.  If you set them off, they will fire at will.  You've seen it with cops as they never fire one shot, instead they unload the whole magazine.

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