Wednesday, May 20, 2015

You Think Your Ridiculous N-Word Actually Changes Anything

America is where you can do a Google search for 'nigger king' and 'nigger house' and the searches will lead you to the White House and Obama.  (Guardian:  Google apologises over racist Google Maps White House search results)

People pretentiously use 'N-word' as if this is supposed to tell other people they don't think 'nigger' inside and suppress it to N-word before it goes out.  What I see is more people using N-word, particularly journos, than I ever heard people say nigger.  Fox News absolutely loves this word ... almost as much as they like Negroes, probably.  CNN isn't far behind and they do it for the same reason.  The KKK made nigger famous but global news networks brought it to the middle class.

You can see it from Google, N-word doesn't mean one damn thing to those who live with that thinking.  All it really does is give the middle class the means for keeping nigger alive and they don't even have the balls to use the real word.

Political correctness is just one of the chains hanging around the neck of the American people and the beauty part, Freedom Boy, is Americans didn't put it there.  I don't conform to anything but even with that I probably do in some ways.  People have pity, scorn or whatever for my situation but my pity is for those who fail to recognize conformity and live their lives to a standard they didn't set.  In my view, that's sad.

Look at the journos on any global news network and try to tell me all of them don't look identical.  Face it, they're androids.  Rachel Maddow is your SLA (Standard Lesbian Android) as she wants to sound progressive but she never says anything to annoy her bosses and risk the big bucks from CNN. That's where she gets the money, that's where she gets the oil ... and fresh batteries every so often to keep her li'l android body doing android things.

Who is doing it, sugar bear?  It's not liberals as we love language with all its beauty and colors even though the language is ridiculously difficult and has almost no consistency to anything.  If that's not true, try to explain to a second-language person why one says 'caught' instead of 'catched' as these mistakes are inevitable ... in a language which makes little sense but whose madness is a fascinating review of the last several thousand years, they're all in it.

From others one gets the idea of N-word and who knows how many other infantile expressions which not only fail to reduce the use of whatever they protest but rather make it antiseptic so you can use it at Starbucks and pretend you're hip to what's happening.

Some have said I'm brave for the positions I take but I see no bravery at all.  Besides, American conformity is death to the soul.  I noticed the Conform or Die mentality even as a kid when we first got here.  The irony is in the hipsters and the comedy is they don't see it.  This is true for every generation of hipsters as hipness is predatory and you have to be a Top Hipness Predator to make it in New York City.

If you break the rules, you have to do it in just the right way or ... man, you're just not hip.  Likely every generation has done this since the Dawn of Man ... or at least since the hippies as no group conformed with each other like hippies.  And, yes, a girl with long, unprocessed hair, zero silicone, and wearing a peasant blouse with a pair of blue bell-bottoms is, for me, still the ideal sexy / innocent look ever.  Conform or die, Groovy Baby.

As Tom Cruise asked Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men" if America guards freedom of speech as a fundamental tenet and if America is protected by the best police force in the world, why would I be in any danger at all.

I'll just pretend the death threats never came and really I was in some other country at the time.  I can be just as good at pretending they never came as others can be at pretending they never said them.

And why the hell do you mix it up between Laurence Fishburne ("Matrix") and Samuel Jackson ("Pulp Fiction") anyway.  They don't look alike, their styles are different, and the only thing they really have in common is they are two of the most brilliant and diversely-capable actors in Hollywood ... because they have to be.

If you think these men look the same, what the hell kind of N-word are you?

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