Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How to Undermine ISIS Without a Single Bullet

The ISIS volunteers apparently have the strength of will to do what they do ... but not so much with smoking cigarettes.  The trouble is that ISIS will kill you for it.  And they did.  These young recruits just aren't what we were hoping but they will understand when we kill enough of them.

You can help the ISIS leaders discover the moral decay and overall decadency within the ranks of their ISIS irregulars.  Perhaps you say you have seen no evidence of this and that's only because you didn't put it there yet.

Consider, if you will, they kill one or more of their boys for smoking a cigarette.  Think what they might do if they had condoms or dime bags of heroin.

Perhaps you ask how they will get all these things as there aren't many poppies growing in the desert but think it through, young warmonger who really doesn't want to kill anything.

Instead of bombing ISIS, there is an alternative.  The bombing doesn't make any difference as it makes them look more like martyrs and that gets them more recruits thanks to all the publicity on the global news networks.

It's the same principle as Fox News as they love it when you hate them, just keep on watching.  Sure, you watch so you can know the enemy but he laughs and laughs about that as every single viewer counts.  Even if you're only watching so you can see it live when Rush Limbaugh finally has a heart attack but he hasn't had a heart attack and he laughs all the way to the bank.  Go ahead and hate me, just keep on watching.  The only thing that counts is how many viewers they can document as that is the number they take back to the advertisers to determine their rates.  Hate them all you like, just stay tuned.

Just as Democrats help Fox News by hating Rupert Murdoch, so it goes the aerial bombing of ISIS.  So they lose some troops, they've got more and more will come.

However ...

There is another alternative.  All these recruits out lonely in the desert and they really don't have so many challenges to their Islamic morality as there probably isn't too much of a spiritual temptation in sleeping out there with sagebrush.

You can help these young recruits by fly-overs which drop on them thousands of loose Marlboro cigarettes, Trojan condoms, and dime bags of heroin.  Think of it as spam email as not everyone will falter but a lot of them will and thus you will have sewn the seeds of insurrection,  moral decay, and a rapid descent to the depths of hell.

Why not.  It worked on America.

(Yah, I know you knew that was coming but tell me it ain't true.  Same with England.  It's riddled with heroin.)

The beauty part of this is hearing people saying this idea is immoral.  Well, that's a novel position to take, isn't it.  Morality is quite the tenuous concept in the 21st Century.

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