Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Rand Paul and His Technicolor Popcorn Machine

Watching all these puerile pols acting like they never would have supported Iraq is one of the sleaziest acts of political desperation in recent memory.  Rand Paul took the stage last night and he said, man, no way I would support that Iraq War.

Funny ... that's not what you said when it mattered.

Tip to the History Master: it wasn't a war.  Understand why it wasn't and maybe show you are qualified for the Presidency.  Right now you are not.

It's the same with all of them as party is irrelevant.  All of them were waving flags and saying, yeah, yeah, War President.  You go kill those fuckin' Muslims, buddy.

Now they're all vestal virgins and this is their first trip outside the Vatican.  They disgust me at the same level as child molesters as, in fact, their behavior jeopardizes of the children of the future and thus they have greater potential for child molestation than any pervert in a dirty trench coat.

Historical side-note:  Doc and I would go down to the canal near the house in Sydney as we could screw around making boats, starting fires, all the things kids enjoy.  One day we noticed an old rummy some distance away and the first question is, man, why is that old wanker waggling his wiener at us.  We quickly decided it didn't matter and we would rather be in the company of people who do not publicly waggle their wieners.

After being advised of the situation, my ol' Mother reacted as mothers will:  that Bloody Pervert.  It was clear from that moment that whatever else may come in this life, you do NOT want to be a Bloody Pervert.  OK, fair deal, dear ol' Mother.

Shortly after that, cops descended from everywhere as they would bust that Bloody Pervert and they did ... but they wanted Doc and I to identify him.  I'll never forget the look on that loser rummy's face as they put him into a police car.

So people loathe my thinking and they think I'm an incipient welfare Cadillac queen but that don' fret me none.  At least I'm not a Bloody Pervert.

So far, Clinton and Paul have delivered the most in-your-face, undiluted lies about what they did but the weasel factor is on all of them.  They don't want to annoy George Bush who doesn't live in disgrace but rather is making millions a year on a speaking engagements ... and he speaks to the people who run away from their support from him in public.  Which side of the face they show you is true may matter to you but I don't believe either one of them.

My record is clear right back to dropping the first bomb on Iraq.  You hate me and won't admit the fact I was right (shrug) but the fact remains and my position has never changed.  I have only one question of all of these plastic pols:  where were you.  There better be one hell of a good answer and right now I haven't seen one.

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