Monday, May 18, 2015

Yosemite 10.10.3 Celebrates ... By Crashing Again

The system stayed up long enough to write the last blog article and then crashed yet again.

Here's the latest in twisted coincidences:  I've noticed a crash at least three and maybe four to five times that was triggered when I dragged something to the Trash.

After the system came up again, I repeated what I did to see if it would happen again.  No crash.  OK, you explain this.

After decades fixing stupid problems like this with computers, I don't give the faintest kind of a damn why that happens but the computer sits in front of me just daring me to murder it.

(Insert a generic rage on the descending level of quality in just about everything.  The tinsel has a perfect polish ... but the floorboards are rotting.)

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