Monday, May 18, 2015

The Ongoing Nightmare of Yosemite 10.10.3 and Apple's Rapid Descent

Apple has risen rapidly and made a tremendous amount of money but that never happened making the best computers in the world, the money came from telephones and toys.  Tim Cook calls it a revolution and I call Tim Cook a complete waste of time.  So what if he's gay as his boyfriend probably doesn't work either.

The numbers in a software release have time-honored significance:

10 - Release level - Major changes possible
10 - Version level - Serious changes possible but not as high impact as a Release
03 - Incremental update - Typically maintenance updates and minor feature enhancements

In this trivial, automatically-installed 'incremental update' in Yosemite 10.10.3, Apple dismisses problems as probably conflicts with video drivers or this, that and the other useless red herrings which leave only one conclusion:  they have no idea what causes them.

No information or diagnostics go to the back-room heavies at Apple because the system crashes so hard the diagnostics either don't get captured or get wiped out and nothing gets sent to them.  The only other option is playing pattycake in discussion forums or chucking this bitch of a computer over the side.

It appears to me the staff at Apple is spending too much time on the iPhone talking to other vacant hipsters and far, far too little on quality control.

This situation is so Microsoft that it defies every idea of what would ever become Apple.

Now we know:  a toy store

There is coming the conclusion that it can't be fixed and it may be time to give it up as my corpus isn't doing all that well either.  The time is coming anyway and it looks very much like my hand is being forced now.

I really don't know if it's over but I can't do this haphazard crashing anymore.  There might have been even a dozen hard crashes just yesterday alone.  There's no possible chance of getting anything productive done and the only thing left is Facebook.  Sure, Facebook is the reason I have worked all this time with computers.  It's my dream come true.  Really.

Any musician knows you can get trapped by your toys as, at a minimum, you have to drag around a guitar and the drag list goes up and up from there.  Right now I don't feel I could be any more trapped if I were at Guantanamo.

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