Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What About the Cellphone

Yevette signed up for this cellphone because she was required to upgrade hers.  She has been trying to figure out various aspects of this annoying device and would ask me.

Dunno, man.  Haven't touched it.

It's ok as she already knows I hate cellphones.  There are enough voices in my head already without having another one in my ear while I walk around looking at tomatoes in Wal-Mart.  I'm po' but I'm picky and I do my tomato evaluation because wimpy tomatoes are not allowed to play in this game.  I need to see good color and I definitely don't want to find any squish.  There's something wrong with people who like squishy tomatoes.  I'm not so particular about other produce but tomatoes get The Inspection.

I haven't used the phone and I still don't know the number.  That you haven't received it doesn't mean anything as I've not sent it to anyone ... I don't even know it.  I will do it but things that beep, buzz, or make miscellaneous random noises are not allowed a large presence.  Even when they're quiet they still buzz.   Buzzes in the current circumstance would not be at all good unless self-inflicted.

Why?  I like to hear the trains of Fort Worth.  You know that blues train in the distance, right?  OK, play like that.

With a landline you can get away with, wow, just didn't hear it, man.  People have used that tradition for decades but now there's the expectation you will answer because you have that baby strapped to your hip like a Colt .45 looking for a gunfight.  You're ready, cowgirl.  Let's go shopping (cough).

And answer me, bitch.  My time is precious.  I need to use every.single.moment to find the absolute.best.advantage in the use.of.my.time.  Yah, yah, yah.  I imagine even Pope Francis uses the toilet once in a while.  Gimme a break about the value of time.

The cosmic meaning of time.  If you have time, that's good.  If you do not have time, you are dead.  End of today's philosophy lesson.

Yah, I hate cellphones.  That's when you get all John Candy and, you know, I guess you could call me a cellphone-hatin' kind of guy.

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