Wednesday, May 20, 2015

System Status at the Fort Worth Rockhouse

The tired but loyal laptop is back in service and running (i.e. crawling) via WiFi.  Editing blog articles is no big deal as most of it is offline but any real-time activity with it just flat won't work.  No need for details but you can't flip back and forth between two systems and expect both to work.

Well, maybe some need for details.  Briefly, there are two USB ports on the laptop whereas there are four on the iMac.  The new disk is USB as is the mixer.  That uses both ports and then no way to connect any other peripherals.

So there are no disks online and thus no music or video but the system is so slow it would be pointless anyway.  This is not a whine but an apology as I'm grateful for any access at all but please understand it is severely limited.

The iMac goes to the Apple Store at 1:15 pm.  I will be there early.  I will not buy anything and definitely not an iWatch.  Amazingly enough, my data processing needs are not modified by what Beyonce wears.  If John Cage wore it then I'd be fascinated to hear why.

I don't see an iWatch as anything more than a way to play with yourself that doesn't require a shower when you're finished and you can do it anywhere.  So what if Steve Jobs thought of it, he also thought of the Newton and the Lisa, etc.  Remember those?

That's no slash of Steve Job as he was one of the ranking geniuses of the time and what he did changed my life in major positive ways but, regrettably, he was not a god.

Again the apology and it's sincere as I didn't ask for this and my biggest mistake throughout was that I permitted the upgrade of Final Cut to v10.2 at the same time as the upgrade to Yosemite 10.10.3.  As soon as I touched Final Cut, there was no way to back out.  That was a major tactical error and it was incompetent.  I can apologize for that as, had I not done it that way, I could have backed-out 10.10.3 and been running again before the sunrise as Time Machine had a full back-up of the system volume.  Put it back, boot, and all is peaches and groovulosity with Yosemite 10.10.2 ... but that isn't exactly what happened.

The best summary is that nothing else works but the Galaxy Guitar still does.  My ol' Dad would understand that instantly because he knew better than anyone that fact makes everything else ok and right now everything else sucks gigantic jagged boulders.

It's all about LSD and can you maintain, Freak Boy.  Sometimes I wasn't all that good at it but one cat was the Trip Master and nothing would rattle him.  He would take acid just to see if anyone would notice.  After a while, you'd collect recent notes and, hey, you're trippin' aren't you.  Yep, sure he was.

There was a conservative fellow pointing his plastic finger at him and the Trip Master was answering him about what LSD does by saying there were spiders all over his flesh.  To appearance he's being straight-up about it but inside he's screaming laughing at the unmitigated horror on the conservative fellow's face.

Irony in life is one of its greatest intrigues.

There are so many ironic wheels within ironic wheels just now that Frank Herbert would kick back and smile ... if he, regrettably, had not already returned his water to the tribe.

The emphasis on Dune isn't so much the philosophy but rather the water and their understanding of it on Arrakis which implies an extraordinary level of prescience in Herbert.

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